

Gorilla Weight Lifting:健美,举重,强人和力量训练得到Swole

大小:61.75MB语言:EN 类别:健康健美系统:iosUniversal
版本:1.10.0时间:2022-03-24 12:08:44

标签: 得到健美TING

If you have goals to get bigger, stronger, faster, and to have a perfectly sculpted physique then it’s time to go full beast mode with Gorilla Weight Lifting!

From the makers of the critically acclaimed and best selling fitness app Gorilla Workout comes Gorilla Weight Lifting: Your accomplice and trainer for in-the-gym and at home resistance training.

Customized Program for Your Goals:

- Choose a goal: Pure Strength, Hypertrophy (gain muscle size), or Toning
- Then choose how many days a week you’d like to train: 3, 4, or 5
- Tap next and Gorilla Weight Lifting will tell you what to do every day for the next 3 months

Program Features:

- Get detailed instructions, lifting tips and techniques through text and real-life video, motivational quotes
- Guidance through warm up sets and working sets
- Constantly varied routines through each week to stop any muscle plateau’s from occurring
- Varied approaches to rep and set schemes like: super sets, drop sets, giant sets, dynamic effort days, maximum effort days and many more (you’re not going to get bored!)

Exercise Features:

- Over 125+ weighted and body-weight exercises used throughout all programs
- Every exercise has a real-life person performing the exercise with thorough instruction on proper form and execution

Signature Workouts:

- In addition to the main programs Gorilla Weight Lifting also offers specialized programs for specific goals like: Beastly Bench Press, Super Strength Training, Monster Mass, and Fat Burner
- New Signature Workouts are constantly being added and improved upon


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