

Mast: for Mastodon

大小:29.02MB语言:EN, FR, DE, HI, PL, ZH 类别:资讯系统:iosUniversal
版本:2.2.3时间:2022-01-08 17:14:55


Mast is a beautiful Mastodon app built with iOS design guidelines in mind. It’s as feature-packed as it is gorgeous. The stunning timelines make reading the latest content a joy.

Mast is also fully optimised for iOS 13 with dark mode and context menu support. It also has Today Extensions, Share Extensions, iMessage Stickers, a Watch app, Siri Shortcuts, and an iPad app. I hope you enjoy using Mast.

“What is Mastodon?”, you may ask. It’s a federated and decentralised social network. Think of it as email, where you can choose your provider, yet talk with almost anyone from anywhere regardless of their choices. The instances on Mastodon give users freedom to find their community, whilst allowing everyone to talk with each other with the level of visibility that they want. The content warning feature makes it safer, and the increased character count makes it far more expressible. It’s what microblogging should have always been.

(Requires a Mastodon account)

I'm constantly evolving and crafting Mast to create the perfect Mastodon app for you. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I'd love to hear it!


本站网友:Bridget33332222在2020-10-13 05:01:02回复:Mast: for Mastodon,界面和漂亮,但是响应比较慢,也出现过多次闪退,而且作为一个付费软件,还没有即时通知功能,不打开app就收不到消息
本站网友:jatamaco在2020-08-19 06:59:46回复:还行没有想象中好,隔壁的免费版流畅太多,浪费钱,差评
本站网友:Shiki_Yakumo在2020-07-17 08:12:37回复:闪退,不流畅,If a toot is kept hidden and its actual content is very long, please make the toot short so that users don’t have to swipe multiple times to skip this one toot.
本站网友:情深而寿在2020-07-14 07:35:32回复:Please make hidden content have limited length.,٩(⑉Ծ^Ծ⑉)ᕗ
本站网友:乱码歪在2020-06-08 02:19:49回复:统计里那个图里有部分被遮挡,发现里搜索无法使用,输入内容之后就卡住不动了
本站网友:狂奔的黑黑在2020-05-19 23:03:42回复:发现里搜索无法使用,能上了,感谢
本站网友:呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵nma在2020-05-17 04:48:05回复:便捷,闪退啊,只能看不能发东西
本站网友:opkjgfc在2020-05-15 04:18:43回复:发评论闪退,。
本站网友:积极向上咯哦我在2020-05-15 02:52:03回复:发图片巨难使,界面很清爽,但是经常闪退
本站网友:giugcyufy在2020-05-11 06:23:45回复:才开始用,莫名其妙就闪退
本站网友:燃尽的诺顿在2020-04-11 21:43:38回复:iPhone xr总是闪退啊,唯一的遗憾是iPad上没有单页显示,浪费好多可视区域,希望开发者补齐啦~
本站网友:世界永不足够在2019-12-05 07:12:57回复:也许是iOS最好的长毛象客户端,之前的买断制变成了免费+订阅制,对刚付费购买的老用户是否不太公平?没有相应的补偿或优惠方案?ps: iPhone XR回复嘟文时会出现闪退情况,

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