

BBC World Service

大小:118.08MB语言:EN 类别:资讯系统:iosUniversal
版本:4.10.1时间:2022-02-08 07:09:57


The official BBC World Service news app by Zeno Media LLC offers the latest programmes and news headlines from the BBC World Service. You can to listen to the latest radio programmes using the free audio player or by using the telephone dial-up option (standard geographic mobile charges will apply. Please check with your provider for exact costs before calling).

- Read the latest news headlines from the BBC World Service website
- Listen to your favorite radio programmes free with the audio player, or by using the standard-rate telephone dial-up service.
- You can listen to the most recent editions of:
- The Global News Podcast
- Newshour
- HARDtalk
- Sport Today
- Business Daily
- Focus on Africa, and many more

For EU users only: If you choose to receive customized ads, a unique identifier (Google Advertising ID or Apple’s ID for Advertising) relating to your device will be stored by Zeno Media to provide you with the service and allow customized advertising to be served within the app.

No other Personal Data relating to you (such as a username or email address) is processed. Such information will only be processed in line with Zeno Media’s Privacy Policy, available at https://www.zenomedia.com/wp-content/themes/zeno/privacy_policy.pdf
Find out about your privacy rights and the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at http://www.bbc.co.uk/privacy.

Notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges. These can be reconfigured in Settings (notifications). Details of data this app collects, including the unique identifier relating to your device and your location data, is also found under Settings.


本站网友:东海之嘉在2021-12-31 18:01:48回复:BBC World Service,好是好,可惜打不开,不能用。
本站网友:cissy.shi在2021-12-24 19:56:40回复:打不开,App
本站网友:16JOSEPH在2021-12-04 06:53:52回复:能不能打开网站,TO LEARN THE WORLD THROUGH THIS!
本站网友:啊呜一口雯雯在2021-11-14 22:42:17回复:BRILLIANT APP,是不是要用VPN啊
本站网友:dhhcdeyh在2021-10-16 09:18:44回复:播放不起来呀,这个会不会有病病毒??
本站网友:111212121112在2021-10-13 18:12:21回复:这个app有毒吧 打开就有广告 还没点上去浏览器就给我跳了网站出来,不知道为啥,苹果手机打开软件一直处于加载状态,根本听不了
本站网友:klifish01在2021-08-04 19:46:21回复:听不了,如果不会科学上网,还是换其他的吧
本站网友:26160730在2021-05-26 21:49:44回复:科学上网,听不了啊,什么情况,这个APP一直不好用
本站网友:Akira-Chen0808在2021-05-12 22:05:27回复:不好,难得啊难得啊难得啊难得啊难得啊难得啊
本站网友:amoy silver在2021-03-31 16:19:43回复:难得啊难得啊,Amazing
本站网友:愤怒的火火火在2021-03-30 23:57:06回复:Great,播不了了,被禁了吗
本站网友:Citizen-fm-Big-Bro-Kingdom在2021-03-20 20:53:43回复:播不了,Still can’t listen like on ‘Radios UK’
本站网友:水到渠成本尊在2021-02-13 02:55:13回复:Still can’t listen like on ‘Radios UK’,多角度认识事物
本站网友:写评论还得要昵称在2020-12-30 01:17:39回复:客观公正的代名词,肉身在天朝的,翻墙才能听,友情提示,翻墙犯法。
本站网友:找个没有人用的昵称可真难在2020-11-30 18:43:39回复:翻墙才能听,根本听不了呀。求攻城狮看看,谢谢了!ps:要写多少。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
本站网友:Three 03在2020-11-28 07:00:46回复:看不了,听不了
本站网友:奥雷里亚诺的小金鱼在2020-11-14 17:19:08回复:听不了,每天早上都听
本站网友:zaqzaqzaqw在2020-11-03 23:15:06回复:特别好呀,很烂的软件,经常放不出来
本站网友:哈哈嘻嘻嘿呦在2020-09-16 18:22:03回复:烂软件,无法播放
本站网友:北京睡觉睡觉睡觉吧就这可不是那些几十年进行监督举报的在2020-08-09 01:58:04回复:无法播放,没有任何内容
本站网友:Jimmy WSP在2020-06-06 17:51:31回复:完全打不开了,舒适度高的归属感
本站网友:shmily00000000000在2020-05-08 16:04:58回复:巴拉巴拉,无法播放
本站网友:如何播放呐在2020-03-23 20:10:08回复:无法播放,下载好后,进入软件就是不放不了那些新闻和节目,好焦心
本站网友:230110120ling在2020-02-26 16:47:28回复:播放不了,也不知道怎么回事,本来想学一下英语的同时了解一下时事,但软件下载下来,打开一直没反应
本站网友:ggglingz在2020-02-19 15:22:45回复:打开一直没发应,一直loading,只要挂个梯子就可以啦 非常好用???
本站网友:2019考研在2019-11-18 19:05:39回复:非常好用,广告太多
本站网友:迪迪黛安娜在2019-05-16 21:09:15回复:无,下载以后不能听……no sound can’t play normally
本站网友:在回复:不能正常播放 can’t play normally,

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