

Bitcoin & Crypto World News

大小:33.54MB语言:EN, FR, DE, IT, KO, PT, RU, ES 类别:资讯系统:iosUniversal
版本:3.1.0时间:2022-01-29 16:38:05

标签: NewWOIN

Bitcoin news brings to you the latest and updated news from the Cryptocurrency world. This app uses news feeds from various sources to get you all the latest bitcoin news in just one app. Notifications built inside the app will help you get all the post without missing even a single one.

Get all the latest news related to Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethereum and other virtual currency! The best in class UI and news feed reader provides you the option to get the latest bitcoin feeds.

Now you can listen top crypto podcasts & crypto youtube channel feeds in this application now.

Now you can even check the latest bitcoin to USD price, Bitcoin to Euro price and Ethereum to USD price live on Latest News screen and You can change that currency from Preferred Currency Screen.

News sources used:
1. Coindesk
2. NewsBTC
3. Coin telegraph
4. Live Bitcoin News Blog
5. Ripple Feeds
6. CoinBase Blog
7. Bitfinex Feeds
8. Coin News Asia
9. Coinjournal
10. Spectro Coin
11. Coin Report
12. Bitcoinist.com
13. Coin Fox
14. The Merkle
15. AllCoinNews
16. EIN News
17. Ethereum News World
18. Eth News
19. BTC Manager
20. Coin Geek
20. The Merkle
21. Bitcoin Magazine
22. Google News
23. Crypto Coins News

Preferred Currency feature inside the app allows you to customise the changes to your local currency.

Price list screen where you can check all crypto prices and can sort that listing based on Ranks, Most profits and losses.

We have also added My Saved Items Option. You can save your important news under My Saved Items option.

There is Settings screen, Where user can change time period of news that user want in latest news screen and also can clear image cache, push notification management options also.

Disclaimer :- We are using free RSS News feeds urls provided by the above stated news companies.


本站网友:在回复:Bitcoin & Crypto World News,

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