- 软件介绍
Your partner in shaping healthy habits.
HidrateSpark is an easy to use smart water bottle that keeps track of how much water you drink, lights up and glows to remind you to drink more water, and syncs to this app via Bluetooth so you can see your progress.
Key Features:
GLOWS: HidrateSpark will light up and glow when you need to drink more water.
MEASURES: HidrateSpark automatically measures how much water you drink, and sends it to your iOS device via Bluetooth.
RECOMMENDS: This app calculates a recommended hydration goal based on your personal parameters: age, height, weight and sex. It can even use your physical activity and local weather to adjust the goal specifically for you every day.
INTEGRATES: Your activity level affects how much water you need to drink. Connect to Apple Health, Fitbit, Under Armour Record, or Withings HealthMate to use your activity level to automatically adjust your goal. You can also save your hydration records to Apple Health or Fitbit.
HISTORY: See your hydration progress over time in a daily and monthly view. How many days in a row can you reach your goal?
FRIENDS: Keep an eye on your friends’ progress to make sure they are staying hydrated. Start some friendly competition to see who can meet their goal the most days in a row.
FUN REMINDERS: This app will send notifications when you begin to fall behind and need to drink more water. The HidrateSpark smart water bottle will also light up and glow to remind you to stay hydrated.
NEVER LOSE IT: Losing your water bottle is no fun, so we made it harder for this to happen. When location services are turned on, this app will record the last place it was connected to your HidrateSpark smart water bottle, and show you a map so you can go back and get it.
This app works best when paired with a Hidrate Spark Smart Water Bottle. But even without one, all the other features will still work for you as a water intake and hydration tracker! You can get a hydration goal, manually record your fluid intake, track your history, share with friends, and get hydration reminders on your iOS device.
Benefits of water:
HEALTH: Alongside a healthy diet and proper exercise, hydration can help dramatically improve your physical health.
SKIN: Proper hydration helps skin retain moisture for a bright, healthy glow
COGNITION & MOOD: Your brain is 75% water, so proper hydration can have a positive impact on cognitive function and mood.
ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE: Even 1-2% dehydration can decrease physiological performance, and 5% dehydration can decrease your physical performance by 30%. So if you want to win, you better be hydrated.
WEIGHT LOSS: Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, drinking water can increase your metabolism and help you avoid eating and drinking extra calories.
INCREASED ENERGY: Drinking plenty of water helps with blood circulation, thus decreasing your feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
AVOID HEADACHES: Staying properly hydrated can help avoid headaches.
HEALTHIER SKIN: Staying properly hydrated helps your skin stay hydrated to help it look younger and healthier.
BOOST IMMUNITY: Staying properly hydrated can help you fight off illness and infections.
PREGNANCY: Pregnant and breastfeeding moms need to be properly hydrated so they can support their new baby.
Learn more about HidrateSpark products at www.hidratespark.com
- 网友点评
本站网友:jgjmjj在2022-01-04 04:06:22回复:HidrateSpark Smart Bottle,软件没有中文,设置提示说明也没有
本站网友:胡丷在2022-01-01 18:45:21回复:软件怎么没有中文,没有中文的,都是英文
本站网友:JoehanWang在2021-12-26 00:21:44回复:没有中文,为什么,为什么!!!!!,前面两个小版本终于更新不闪退了,今天这个又开始了,哎呀真是无语了,最近疯了一样更新,要不是误购了你们家杯子,真是分分钟把这个烂app卸载了
本站网友:hsiehxty在2021-12-26 00:10:13回复:求求你们,别再更新了,烦死,bug crash
本站网友:littlledeer在2021-12-25 17:51:02回复:bug,喝的要吐了,app还是显示0,连肯定连上了,我点glow水瓶就闪,但就是不更新水量,怎么回事?
本站网友:求财老道在2021-12-24 15:32:49回复:为什么我喝水以后app不更新喝水量?,啥玩意,英文就算了,这更新完了就打不开了,一打开就闪退
本站网友:Xv Zuan在2021-12-23 04:59:57回复:吐,闪退
本站网友:“黑暗骑士”在2021-12-23 02:41:09回复:闪退,没有中文,且更新后闪退。
本站网友:一个归隐的人在2021-12-22 18:30:11回复:更新后闪退,新更新后闪退,望修复
本站网友:Рылоыил在2021-12-22 06:04:56回复:闪退,什么时候可以加入中文啊,
本站网友:不好意思我也不好意思在2021-12-21 02:03:53回复:完善语言模块,为什么为什么为什么why????
本站网友:lnly6699在2021-12-18 21:32:09回复:中文?,没有中文app,准备退货!
本站网友:lkplkplkp在2021-12-18 13:12:59回复:退货,感觉可以给我的生活带来改变,希望能有中文的语言
本站网友:shsksnnsmlls在2021-12-18 08:02:37回复:希望能加入中文,吃着中国人的饭,砸着中国人的碗?一个语言功能而已,毫无技术难度可言,隔壁儿童算算数的app都有语言选项,这个app这么高贵,就“英文”??那你来中国卖啥???
本站网友:cwk7524在2021-12-16 21:29:35回复:中文!中文!中文!,language have no chinese
本站网友:卵用无在2021-12-12 19:33:46回复:need chinese,看不懂
本站网友:中文你家软件在2021-12-07 22:35:23回复:没有中文版不会用,没中文,在中国卖个什么啊
本站网友:画册基尼系数出手术室对你呵护你在2021-11-28 21:42:28回复:请尽快上中文版,建议上线app中文版本
本站网友:行者无疆在2021-11-18 01:00:25回复:建议上线app中文版本,中国销售没有中文系统违反中国的相关法规,尽快改正。否则只能选择退货,因为没办法使用!
本站网友:窝瓜侠大战榴莲怪在2021-11-15 01:20:45回复:软件看不懂,没有中文十分不理解
本站网友:啙寙在2021-11-14 21:06:47回复:没有中文,需要中文
本站网友:vg此次在2021-11-11 01:09:45回复:语言设置,We need Chinese plz!
本站网友:英雄战歌在2021-11-10 22:58:13回复:为什么没有中文?,The watch version is not available after the software update.
本站网友:程小成爱吃橙子在2021-10-29 01:32:45回复:The watch version is not available after the software update.,不明白为什么没有中文,明明卖那么好
本站网友:Alex Guan在2021-10-26 22:43:59回复:为什么不支持中文,请支持中文,苹果商店有卖,但App没中文
本站网友:小-叶叶在2021-10-07 03:08:33回复:请支持中文,苹果商店有卖,但App没中文,能不能支持下中文
本站网友:FlynnDi在2021-10-05 03:21:41回复:支持中文,需要中文
本站网友:SUSU~~~~在2021-09-30 07:23:11回复:需要中文,NO CHINESE ……
本站网友:啊1他就考虑兔兔图图KKKKKKKKK在2021-09-29 20:10:32回复:No Chinese ……,没有中文
本站网友:sgvhhfgjjnnnyu在2021-09-28 02:28:05回复:没有中文,请上线中文版,水杯在中国可以购买,但不能只有水杯,没有服务功能
本站网友:潮州大哥哥在2021-09-23 02:40:27回复:语言系统,没有中文版 差评
本站网友:龍LEE在2021-08-22 20:25:03回复:没有中文版 差评,Please add Chinese language options.
本站网友:华国锋 v 容易在2021-08-21 02:21:54回复:Please add Chinese language options.,中文
本站网友:??蒹葭在2021-08-16 08:28:10回复:支持开发中文,不配中文?
本站网友:cn_马在2021-07-19 06:22:38回复:Chinese?,东西都卖到中国了,为什么不支持中文
本站网友:天黑了看星星在2021-07-11 22:34:17回复:差评,没中文怎么用,开发者不动脑子吗
本站网友:入她啊在2021-07-09 07:57:21回复:没中文吗?,来个中文啊
本站网友:小爷 我有资本在2021-07-03 01:17:37回复:中文,怎么没中文。全是英文。
本站网友:xksksksk在2021-06-23 05:40:29回复:没中文。,中文
本站网友:kaaérrǐ在2021-06-23 02:57:53回复:中文,敢上架中国apple store不敢做个中文适配?谁给你的脸一个杯子100刀连个中文懒得做?
本站网友:枫火att在2021-06-20 23:52:18回复:垃圾玩意儿没有中文,建议添加语言选项
本站网友:陳尛尛尛尛偉在2021-06-12 22:17:45回复:不支持中文,中文!
本站网友:还是金色戒赌菜浇浇水在2021-05-08 06:30:00回复:中文!,软件不错 但什么时候支持中文呢?
本站网友:黑就黑心里在2021-04-18 23:08:32回复:语言问题,快点支持中文
本站网友:时光笔记簿在2021-03-18 13:25:07回复:中文中文中文,快点更新支持中文吧,
本站网友:简介恩恤重要在2021-03-11 21:42:26回复:什么时候能支持中文,没有中文
本站网友:丶风归漫步在2021-03-10 02:35:49回复:为啥没中文,中文,谢谢。
本站网友:FUYONG29在2021-02-20 21:10:01回复:中文版本,很好,但是急求开发商加入中文语言!
本站网友:深蓝一瓢在2021-02-20 18:35:19回复:求加入中文语言,就这么难?
本站网友:hammerking666在2021-02-20 00:30:18回复:能来个中文的吗?,要是有中文版更好了。
本站网友:5671亩想在2021-02-17 23:04:11回复:app很简洁用着还不错,速度更新中文版
本站网友:凯鑫在2021-02-15 04:33:29回复:更新下中文版吧,好像没有中文,支持一下中文!
本站网友:fcj123456在2020-07-24 02:02:30回复:支持一下中文吧,非常好使 可以记录喝水量 可以提醒你喝水 就是要经常充电
本站网友:啦啦啦也一样在2019-08-17 07:59:31回复:方便,ca