我观察 花木兰 从军之事的原因 更加相信(她) 因是 原因
转战驰骋疆场一共12年 多次建立奇异的功绩哦,我的天,鸟语怎么还上来了?I trust Mulan more because of the reason she joined the army.
She battled on the battlefield for 12 years and did great meritorious service in the battle.
木兰星木兰星 (Mulan Star) 木兰星 By 张靓颖Mulan Star By Jane Zhang 这世界好宽This world is so wide让孤独好满Allowing solitude to fill up荒野上的狼The wolf in the wilderness它为谁流浪Who is it straying around for寂寞是种蓝Loneliness is a type of blue往我心里钻Drilling into my heart听见自己喊(I) Hear myself cry out看看天上(I) Look up to the sky于是我剪下了月光Thereupon I cut out the moonlight射向我老家的地方Shoot it towards the place of my home夜黑的就像墨一样The night is black just like ink那颗星名字叫木兰The name of that star is Mulan让我把回忆当晚餐Let me feed off my memories 吞下这许多年的酸Swallowing all the pain of these few years爱恨是掌心的沙漠Love and hate is a desert in your palm 故事被点了穴遗忘The story has been forgotten多年前我披着时间Many years ago I had wrapped time around (me)逆着风走过燕然山 Walking by Moutain Yanran against the wind其实应该是这样写的:Mulan Star 木兰星《木兰星》还是《花木兰》的主题曲呢。张靓颖唱的。(额,偏了)木兰星2009年电影《花木兰》插曲——《木兰星》。作词:易家扬 作曲:李伟菘 演唱:张靓颖。一首柔肠百转的歌,一段残酷战争下的凄美爱情。其实应该是这样写的:Mulan Star 木兰星《木兰星》还是《花木兰》的主题曲呢。张靓颖唱的。(额,偏了)是木兰星的意思了,真是的是 木兰星 的意思 !