

Yukon Solitaire Now

大小:15.97MB语言:EN 类别:棋牌游戏系统:iosUniversal
版本:2.0.0时间:2022-02-09 19:16:02

标签: AirNowAI

Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Yukon is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Yukon scores with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

From Odesys, the makers of the best solitaire games for mobile.

The goal of Yukon Solitaire is to split all cards in the deck into four home stacks, one for each suit. The cards in the home stacks must be placed in ascending order, from Ace to King. Multiple cards can be moved from one column to another as long as they form a sequence at the join. The sequence must be descending of alternating colors (Yukon), descending or ascending of the same suit (Russian Easy), or descending only, of the same suit (Russian Hard). Only group of cards headed by a King can be moved to an empty column.

Odesys Yukon Features:
• Bonus game - Russian Solitaire
• Landscape and Portrait orientation
• Unlimited Undo and Redo
• Left and Right board layout
• Adjustable cards size (pinch-to-resize)
• Sound
• Animations
• Hints
• Auto collect
• Auto save on exit

Follow us on Twitter: @OdesysSolitaire

Look for other great patience games by Odesys. If you like the classics, you would love Klondike Solitaire, FreeCell Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, or its lesser known variations, Black Widow Solitaire and Tarantula Solitaire. You might also like to try Pyramid Solitaire, or its somewhat easier variation, Seven Solitaire, or the completely open Giza Solitaire. No solitaire collection would be complete without the unique Golf Solitaire, the addictive Yukon Solitaire, or its almost impossible to solve cousin, Russian Solitaire.


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