

Companion for Fortnite

大小:133.4MB语言:EN 类别:角色游戏系统:iosUniversal
版本:14.0时间:2022-02-22 14:05:50

标签: FortniteioON

This Unofficial App is a compendium of knowledge, tips and useful tools for Fortnite Battle Royale and Save the World players! The ultimate companion, guide, stats tracker and assistant for Fortnite!

Features - Battle Royale:
-Profile Search: View Battle Royale Player Stats grouped by squad type. Favorite Players for even quicker lookups.
- Store Sales: Shows all the items currently for sale in the Battle Royale in game Store, with images and vbucks prices.
- Cosmetics viewer: View all cosmetics including emotes with links to youtube videos
- Leaderboards: View leaderboards for all squad types and input methods/platforms.
- Map for the Battle Royal mode, Map is Zoomable and Pannable. Important map markers such as Chests, XP coins and a lot more. An optional high density grid is also available to make it easier to coordinate positions.
- Battle Pass Tracker: View and track all Battle Pass challenges along with visual guides for every week of challenges.
- Weapon Stats with comparison tool for all Battle Royale Weapons.
- Items: Images and in-depth descriptions of all Battle Royale items.
- Tips and Info: Important information and useful tips for Battle Royale players.

Features - Save the World:
- Tools
-- Mission Alerts with Rewards and Daily Llamas that can be refreshed any time
-- Push Notifications for Mission Alerts and Daily Llamas
-- Research Alarm Notification, get a reminder to gather your Research Points!
-- Player Profiles: Get up to date information and stats for your Player Profile including commander level, XP and other materials in your account. (Requires an active internet connection)
-- Collection Book: Keep track of the Heroes, Traps, People and Weapons that you own or have booked making it easier for you to choose Rewards. Includes a supporter features that can summarize your Book state and show only the missing items.
-- Weapon comparison tool, comparing the different stats of weapons.
-- People Book, keep track of Mythic Leads, Leads, Survivors and Defenders.
-- XP Upgrade and Retire/Reclaim Calculator, see how much XP is needed to reach a target level or how much you will gain by Reclaiming/Retiring the current level one
-- Ability and Perks List is linked to applicable Heroes so you can quickly find Heroes matching your desired traits

- Data
-- Information on all the Heroes, along with all Abilities and Perks
-- Information on all traps(with rarity) including stats and material requirements.
-- Resource list with usages for each resource item
-- Data about important features such as Headshot Multiplier Damage and Collection Book Rewards
-- Tips and not-so-obvious things from the game to make your life a bit easier while playing
-- Information about Survivors and the Survivor Squad system
-- A Monster information bank which also includes images of all monsters.

This is an Unofficial Community Driven Fortnite App and has NO affiliation with Epic Games™

Legal Notice
Epic Games, Inc. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Fortnite, the Fortnite logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine 4 and UE4 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.


本站网友:小野蛮在2018-12-10 17:22:48回复:Companion for Fortnite,方便.超级省事
本站网友:张家界_666在2018-11-15 16:04:16回复:省很多事,真的不错,堡垒小助手

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