

Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training Lite

大小:159.01MB语言:EN 类别:角色游戏系统:iosUniversal
版本:1.91时间:2022-02-13 06:20:48

标签: nico

Master powerful magic, venture through dungeons, and explore the monster-filled forest of Equica!

Clover is the unicorn apprentice of Grand Swirllock the Bearded. She needs to learn the 10 basic combat spells every mage must master to survive fights against the monsters of Equica.

Traverse deadly dungeons to unlock more spells and extend your life energy! Beat all the dungeon bosses to prove you’re tough enough to take on any dangerous quest!

[Full Version Features]
- Unlock 10 Different Combat Spells!
- 9 Dungeons Crawling With Monsters & Treasure!
- Plunder Caves For Gems & Items!
- Find Cupcakes, Potions, and Power-Boosting Equipment!
- A Vast & Mysterious Forest Awaits…

[Lite Version Features]
- Unleash the Blast and Cut Spells!
- A Portion of The Forest is Yours to Explore!
- Traverse the First Dungeon!
- Collect Powerful Equipment in a Gem Filled Cave!

*** If you like the demo, be sure to Finish Your Training in the Full Version! ***

~ Music provided by OpenGameArt.org ~
Title Theme: Polyverse Title by Botanic
Timber Grove: Chippytoon by BBandRage
Battle Theme: BossMain by SketchyLogic
Dungeon: Last Life by Scribe

~ Music provided by The Cynic Project ~
Cave: Crystal Cave by cynicmusic (pixelsphere.org)

~ Music provided by PacDV ~
Boss Theme: Power Juice by www.pacdv.com/sounds/

~ Music provided by AudioJungle.net ~
Forest: The Big Guy by Snabisch


本站网友:香港的意大利在2021-05-10 19:44:51回复:Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training Lite,I’m dying of red!
本站网友:Adament Jol在2019-03-17 20:43:29回复:I love you,nice game!but I don’t know how to play............
本站网友:在回复:Want know more about this game,

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