

Atlantic Fleet Lite

大小:213.94MB语言:EN 类别:策略游戏系统:iosUniversal
版本:1.0时间:2022-01-24 04:36:16


No Ads. No In Apps. No Pay-to-Progress. When you buy the full version: One Price = Full Game.

Play the first 10 levels of both the Allied and Axis campaigns, 3 on 3 single battles with ships up to the Light Cruiser Class, 3 historical battles and the opening months of the dynamic campaign. See if you like it, see if it runs well on your device and if so, upgrade to the full featured paid version.

Atlantic Fleet is a turn-based tactical and strategic simulation of the Battle of the Atlantic during World War II.
Take command of surface ships, submarines as well as carrier and land based aircraft in a deadly struggle for control of the shipping lanes.

"Atlantic Fleet is probably the game of the year."
- Owen Faraday, pockettactics.com


Full Version Features:
- No In Apps/Advertising. No Pay-to-Progress. One Price = Full Game
- Stunning full 3D graphics and environments, including underwater
- Unique blend of deep strategic planning combined with quick tactical decisions
- Play as the Royal Navy and her allies or Kriegsmarine (German navy)
- Up to 10 versus 10 ships in combat
- 3 Game Modes:
1) Single Battle Editor with 30 Historical Missions for standalone combat
2) Campaign of 50 missions per faction
3) Full Dynamic Campaign from 1939 to 1945
- Individually saved games for each campaign and faction
- Multiplayer Hotseat for Single Battles
- Sink ships with realistic buoyancy physics, not with hit-point bars!
- Target specific ship subsystems to sink or cripple the enemy
- Destructible ships, subsystems and visual damage to ships
- 60 historical ship classes representing over 630 ships and 350 submarines
- 13 playable aircraft
- Submarine warfare, wolf packs and convoys
- Carrier operations and land-based air strikes
- Too many more to list here, visit killerfishgames.com


本站网友:大和樱花震在2021-06-03 20:27:02回复:Atlantic Fleet Lite,这个是试玩版希望有正式版
本站网友:LLLBBBEE在2021-03-05 04:32:50回复:IOS玩家什么时候可以玩到正式版,只是打不中
本站网友:三驴逼:不好在2021-02-25 19:47:00回复:还行,如题
本站网友:正版老司机玩家在2021-01-23 18:29:08回复:怎么付款啊,教程里航母开不了也是真的服了
本站网友:谈笑风生的华莱士在2020-09-21 17:54:53回复:怎么买完整版啊阿啊阿啊阿,航空反潜非常?️
本站网友:起飞模拟器在2020-06-03 22:16:37回复:43年前后两边都很不平衡,正如标题所说,这个游戏根本就不平衡,三个军舰追着一个打,打了快20分钟了最多就命中了5发炮弹(距离很远),反而敌方的炮弹基本全部命中,我方还被打沉了一艘
本站网友:aosimai在2020-04-16 17:05:21回复:什么玩意,不会玩的别瞎打分,要是免费就更好了
本站网友:清清浅浅清清浅浅凄凄切切q在2020-03-05 01:20:29回复:好,游戏中引入了很多细节的东西,包括Hs-293,大满贯等等,回合制也是一个有趣的特色,游戏玩法多种多样,可以重温大炮巨舰,沙恩霍斯特对抗英王乔治五世,也可以大打海狼战术很好的游戏,推荐
本站网友:山崎硝田在2019-12-10 11:01:46回复:很好的游戏,这垃圾游戏真的垃圾透顶,就连系统判断的开炮角度都打不中,而且飞机特难用,还有鱼雷也是,打不打得中全靠运气,你运气差搞不好十几回合一发不中,这种垃圾最好别玩,直接把你给气死,系统还特他妈沙雕,假如系统给你判断开炮角度是15.5那你照着这个角度开炮那你就会发现系统判断不是多0.1度就是少0.1度,甚至有时候直接给你多0.5度,就算宥一丁点偏差你就打不中
本站网友:陈竑慈在2019-09-27 20:48:27回复:最好别下,希望可以有中文
本站网友:蓝比比卡在2019-09-13 23:28:49回复:看不懂英文比较不容易玩,不会玩的别拉分
本站网友:猛虎芬兰在2019-08-08 01:50:03回复:好玩,好游戏,两个手机完了几年了,只差一个中文,不过,五星好评
本站网友:大河马aaabbb在2019-02-16 05:54:33回复:致作者,14寸主炮好几分钟一发 5寸副炮一分钟7,8发 游戏里都是一回合一发 不合理
本站网友:WW2??在2019-02-04 02:52:02回复:主副炮设定不合理,666
本站网友:Bob050601在2019-02-01 21:58:27回复:评论,好游戏,没得说.
本站网友:Berlichinggen在2018-09-23 20:39:13回复:有这样的游戏,很难得.,这游戏里面打个鱼雷太难受,不真实不如太平洋舰队里的
本站网友:劈力虎在2018-09-11 22:48:53回复:希望改鱼雷发射机制,打不中
本站网友:这是一个很大的游戏在2018-07-03 17:49:52回复:破烂,我与游戏中的沙恩霍斯特号、声望号拿现实图片对比居然一模一样!而且英文也一样!!
本站网友:神勇冠三军在2017-11-11 05:38:35回复:里面居然有沙恩霍斯特号、声望号,游戏十分优秀,没玩过强烈推荐,但回合制略显不足,同时没有中文版也十分遗憾,比同类《太平洋舰队》感觉更好,至少赋予射击方位角和高低角更合适,推荐必玩。
本站网友:天王星的海王在2016-08-10 19:59:29回复:游戏模式创意十足,精致规范,没中文可惜,垃圾,都不想给星
本站网友:黑金黑装备在2016-06-17 09:53:34回复:不完整,此版本垃圾!,RMB68(10dollars) seems too expensive for most Chinese players. If cut price to 30~40 RMB, there must be more people buying full version, THX
本站网友:在回复:Lower price needed,

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