

Art Of War 2: Global Confederation

大小:11.78MB语言:EN, RU 类别:策略游戏系统:
版本:2.4时间:2022-01-11 03:49:21


The year 2038. For 20 years, the Earth has been under the rule of the Global Confederation that united and brought under its control all the countries and continents. The mankind entered a new era. Global territory wars that had been waged for a century subsided. The world economy no longer supported the military machine to be ready for action and turned towards the progress. The new scientific horizons on the Earth and in outer space were open.

But peace and quite in the Confederation is being increasingly disturbed by the outbreaks of rebellions of those who oppose the Senats policies. The resistance movement is gaining momentum all over the world. The Senate throws the whole reserve of Condederations scarce peace-keeping forces to suppress the rebellion.

In the east of Peru, near the city of Pucallpa, some signs of rebellious activity have been observed. Prior to that moment, South America was the calmest of regions. Your mission is to crush the revolt in Peru and to capture the leader of the rebellion.

You are charged with a mission on which the future of mankind depends. As a general of Confederation you are to suppress a revolt in Peru.

To attain the goal you must complete 7 missions of the campaign on diverse terrains from the Amazonian jungle to the mountain ranges of the Andes. The game features a variety of machinery, facilities and upgrades. Each side has unique equipment with its features and fighting qualities and so its own tactics. Dynamism of this game wont leave you bored through the campaign. And if you feel that campaign missions are not enough, there are many additional custom maps as well.

Game features:
- beautiful modern 3D-rendered graphics;
- 7 campaign missions in different locations from the Amazonian jungles to the highlands of the Andes;
- Big variety of units and upgrades;
- Each party has its own weapons and equipment with special characteristics;
- Each party has its own battle tactics;
- High dynamics of game;
- 15 additional custom missions.

Your reviews and starts are very important for us! Thank you very much!


本站网友:太白山六月积雪在2017-11-25 20:49:05回复:Art Of War 2: Global Confederation,When I was a middle school student ,the game occupied my free time .Now I am work in MIT as a tolit cleaner.
本站网友:qqlzf在2017-08-27 17:17:13回复:Crazily!,I cant love this game any more.I have played this game for quite a few year since I had my first phone:Nokia e63.I really hope the developers can reproduce this game make it better.Really hope.I will buy and never care money.
本站网友:Ace丿路飞在2017-08-17 09:32:07回复:GG,以前玩的,这游戏做的很好,挺好玩的
本站网友:影锋舞在2017-07-14 05:56:51回复:诺基亚游戏,无语。。。
本站网友:无节操的胖次君在2016-11-26 23:02:12回复:啊啊啊闪退闪的都没法玩啊啊,真正的红警手机端,相当好玩
本站网友:FrankZhu1004在2016-06-12 05:46:00回复:在诺基亚上玩过,这个经典游戏终于要出第三部了,看Beta测试反响不错,相信这个游戏能越出越好!
本站网友:胡桃hc在2016-05-29 09:39:24回复:要出第三部了,要出第三部了,耶!,最早在java手机上玩过 很棒的游戏 要ios版本的画质改善下优化下 再获得首页推荐 真的有可能火?啊 比那些所谓的策略游戏强的不是一星半点
本站网友:czh1997在2016-02-08 07:43:33回复:原来iPhone上有!,iPhone 6可以玩啊,之前8.4都没问题
本站网友:魅影小鸟在2015-06-19 18:55:56回复:iPhone 6可以玩啊,闪退啊求修复!战3什么时候出
本站网友:royningjia在2015-06-17 16:03:58回复:游戏经典,以前山寨机上玩过。就是它丫的闪退!,根本进不去,希望能修复
本站网友:起个网名真的好难在2015-06-17 07:23:59回复:好游戏,但是iPhone6iOS8.3闪退,游戏是好,就是闪退!
本站网友:搬砖未遂在2014-08-02 19:52:52回复:啦咯啦咯啦咯了,好
本站网友:234555569356在2014-07-28 05:38:37回复:好,以前诺基亚手机上的游戏,还是一如既往,很赞,手机红警好经典,还不用联网

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