应该就是你刚进去还没选角色时的那个透明的数据人生化危机启示录可解锁人物及条件一览: chris (bsaa mission): reach player level 30(chris bsaa 套装 : raid模式升级到30级) chris (sailor) inflict 100,000 points of damage to an enemy in one hit in raid mode.(chris 水手服: raid模式单发攻击敌人造成超过10万伤害) hunk (umbrella) successfully complete all stages on the abyss difficulty with an s rank.(hunk 保护伞 : 在abyss难度所有关卡达成s评价) jessica (arctic) successfully complete all raid mode stages on the chasm difficulty.(jessica 极地装: 完成所有 chasm难度关卡) jessica (fbc) reach player level 40(jessica fbc套装: raid模式升级到40级) jessica (scuba) successfully complete all raid mode stages on the trench difficulty.(jessica 大腿装: 完成所有 trench难度关卡) jill (bsaa mission) obtain a super rare weapon.(jill bsaa套装: 拿到一把稀有武器) jill (pirate) successfully complete the ghost ship bonus stage.(jill 海盗装: 完成 ghost ship 关卡) keith (arctic) successfully complete campaign episodes 4 through 6.(keith 极地装: 完成剧情模式第六章) keith (ninja) reach player level 50.(keith 忍者装: raid模式升级到50级) keith (office) successfully complete all stages on the chasm difficulty with an s rank.(keith 办公服: 在chasm难度所有关卡达成s评价) morgan (executive suit) successfully complete all stages on the trench difficulty with an s rank.(morgan : 在trench难度所有关卡达成s评价) norman (veltro) successfully complete all stages on the abyss difficulty.(norman : 完成所有abyss难度关卡) obrian (bsaa coat) reach player level 20.(obrian :raid模式升级到20级) parker (bsaa mission) earn 10 bonuses in raid mode.(parker bass套装: 在raid模式达成10个任务目标) parker (fbc) defeat 10,000 enemies in raid mode.(parker fbc套装: 在raid模式杀死1万名敌人) quint (arctic) reach player level 5.(quint 极地装: 在raid模式升级到5级) quint (office) obtain all super rare weapons.(quint 办公装: 获得所有稀有武器) rachael (fbc) earn a trinity bonus in raid mode.(rachael: 在raid模式其中一个关卡达成trinity bonus(低于建议等级/击杀所宥敌人/无伤)) raymond (fbc) reach player level 10.(raymond: 在raid 模式升级到10级)