Public smoking ban from January 1, 2011 from China began implementing the smoking ban in public places so our aim is to ensure that all indoor public places are smoke-free. Because now, the number of smokers in China accounted for more than three hundred fifty million people.People were forced to passive smoking 400 million people about 5.3, the dangers of passive smoking on people very large, where there are about 100,000 people a year because of passive smoking and death. Now our male smokers smoke 75 per cent of the total number, women accounted for 25 per cent. So China began smoking signs posted. Please do not smoke in public, because it not only endanger their own lives but also threaten the lives of others.你好!Smoking is indirect drugs抽烟就是间接吸毒。少抽一支烟,多活一百年。Little take out a cigarette, live in one hundred打字不易,采纳哦!the more cigarettes you take,the less life you have!!Smoking is indirect drugs抽烟就是间接吸毒。少抽一支烟,多活一百年。Little take out a cigarette, live in one hundred