I played games.(我去玩游戏了,是过去式的)Ive gone to played games
I do homework ,play games ,watch TV and read books.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
play games玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校玩游戏:play games【例句】如果他们必须在你睡觉时间外玩游戏,让他们将电视调成无声。If they have to play video games past your bedtime, they can mute the tv.play games
5,我昨天玩游戏和看电视了 用英语怎么说
Yesterday I played video games and watched TV.谢谢采纳~~~I played games and watched TV yesterday.你是六年级的吧?Yesterday I played computer games and watched TV百度英语在线翻译we together watch tv and play games.我们一起看电视,玩游戏