







2,求英语纹身带翻译如 Suaviter in modore 温柔其表

a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情
suaviter in modo,for titer in re.温柔其表,刚强其实。solum omnium lumen.阳光无处不在。

求英语纹身带翻译如 Suaviter in modore 温柔其表





I will go to school tomorrow as usual. 我明天将会像往常一样去上学。She is going to visit to her grandpa next week.他打算下周去看他的外公。Lily will come back on monday.丽莉将在星期一回来。Bob and his friends will piay basketball on piayground.鲍勃将和他的朋友们一起在操场上打篮球。


回首乱山横,不见居人只见城。谁似临平山上塔,亭亭,迎客西来送客行。 归路晚风清,一枕初寒梦不成。今夜残灯斜照处,荧荧,秋雨晴时泪不晴。 公元1074年夏(史料记载为北宋熙宁七年七月),苏轼任杭州通判时的同僚与好友陈襄(字述古)移守南都(今河南商丘),苏轼追送其至临平(今余杭),写下了这首情真意切的送别词。 词的上片回叙分手后回望离别之地临平镇和临平山,抒写了对往事无限美好的回忆和对友人的依恋之情。起首两句写词人对陈襄的离去特别恋恋不舍,一送再送,直到回头不见城中的人影,而那临平山上亭亭伫立的高塔似乎翘首西望,不忍郡守的调离。这种从眼前实景落笔而展衍开去与由景入情的写法,不仅使人感到亲切,而且增加了作品的深度。接下来三句写临平山上的塔,仍就眼前景物落笔,实则是以客观的无知之物,衬托词人主观之情。“谁似”二字,既意喻词人不像亭亭耸立的塔,能目送友人远去而深感遗憾,又反映了词人不像塔那样无动于衷地迎客西来复送客远去,而为友人的离去陷入深深的哀伤之中;同时,也反映了作者迎友人来杭又送友人离去的实际。 下片写词人归途中因思念友人而夜不成眠。晚风凄清,枕上初寒,残灯斜照,微光闪烁,这些意象的组接,营造出清冷孤寂的氛围,烘托了作者的凄凉孤寂心境。末句“秋雨晴时泪不晴”,用两个“晴”字把雨和泪联系起来,比喻贴切而新颖,加强了作者思念之苦的表现,读来叩人心扉,令人叹婉不已。 这首词艺术上的特色主要是将山塔、秋雨拟人化,赋予作者自身的感情和心绪,将无生命的景物写活。这种手法,表现出词人不凡的功力。


I wish for a future, no need to be fancy, no need to be rich. As I see you with the dance of the sunlight each morning, I see my future with great joy. Waking up to see you and the sunshine every morning is my most wanted future. Each morning I wish to see you in the sunlight, I wish to see this into eternity. 三个选项,感觉怎样?有什么要求就提,包您满意
Seeing sunshine with you when i Woke up every morning , thats the wonderful future which i wanted.
See the sunshine together with you When I wake up in the morning every day . This is what I want in the future. 希望帮到你~
very morning when I wake up, I see you light up, together with the sunlight. This is the future I want
every morning when open my eyes, i can see u as well as the sunlights.thats all i wish for my future.

7,英语习作A busy day weekend带翻译

A Busy WeekendI really had a busy weekend last week. I got up early and helped my parents do some housework on Saturday morning. Then I did my homework. I cooked lunch myself because my parents were all busy with their work at their offices. I went to the library to read books. I helped my mother cooked dinner. After dinner I washed the dishes and then I surfed the internet.On Sunday morning I visited my grandparents. I went there by bike and it took me forty minutes to get there. I helped them with the housework and then my grandparents and I went to the beach near their home. I swam and picked up shells. My grandmother cooked dilicious food for me. In the afternoon I did my homework and then went shopping with my parents. My parents and I went to the movies in the evening. We really enjoyed ourselves.自己的一点想法,希望对你有启发
my weekend was a busy one, but i was happy. on satruday. i did morning excises at 8:00. then i played with my paronts in the park. we was watching insects.we took pictures and catched butterflies. i jumped and ran. the weather was so hot, we drank some water. 60 miutes later. we went home. i studied english and played chess at 5:00 on sunday. i went skating in the childrens center, i was so tired. i went home, i learned to cook meals. at 2:00, i baught presents for my uncle, because today was his birthday, we said “ happy birthday to you!” we played together, we was so happy , at 9:00,i went home and went to bed early. this my busy weekend.
文章TAG:xl上司樱花动漫带翻译  一个日本动画片不过翻译过了里面有山神有狼有山猪一个女人  上司  樱花  动漫  