“独生子女”用英语这样翻译:Childonly children the only child the only child in the family .独生子女 [dú shēng zǐ nǚ]
the only child
only son [daughter]
3,作孽 英语翻译
作孽在中文中意思为:做了坏事,或表示程度用语,常被老年人用于口语当中。committee an evil thing or committee a sin or do sth bad.iniquity.commit a sin
[佛教] doevil; commit a sin; do evil; [电影]Begotten;
4,生 的英文单词是什么
1.(生存; 有生命) live
2.[书](救活) save (the life of a person)
1.(在活的状态下) alive; living
2.(生动活泼;灵活) vivid; lively; active
3.(活动) movable; moving
1.(真正; 简直) exactly; simply
1.(工作,一般指体力劳动) work
2.(产品; 制成品) productalivealive生-alive(有生命的、活着的)birth
singleton of familyThe only child/son/daughter/kid in family.正式一点,可以用 singleton 表示独生子correct translation ninagaiwaii am the only child in my family.for god so loved the world, and even gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.The only child(son) in the family.
约3:16a 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.意思基本相同,但是世人对应的英语单词直译是世界上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子(耶稣)赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。 《圣经》约翰福音3:16 除他(耶稣基督)以外,别无拯救。因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。 《使徒行传》 4:12 如果您愿意接受耶稣做生命的主,请用心灵和诚实开声祷告:“ 主耶稣啊,我承认自己是个罪人,相信你在十字架上为我的罪受死,感谢你救赎了我,我愿意悔改归向你,我愿意接受耶稣做我的救主和生命的主。愿你接纳我,奉主耶稣基督的名祷告。阿们! ”福音布道:百度搜索—远方的新月博客 。
7,圣诞树的象征意义 用英语表示
因为松树是四季常青的,这常青的树就象征了信仰基督的基督徒被赋予的永恒生命。尖尖的树梢指向天国。点缀在树顶的星星代表着指引智者到伯利恒寻访耶酥的那颗特殊的星。星星的光芒意指带给世人光明的耶酥基督。树下的礼物代表着上帝通过他唯一的儿子带给世人的礼物:希望,爱,欢乐以及和平。Because it stays green all through the year, the evergreen tree is symbolic of the eternal life offered to Christians through faith in Christ. The treetop points heavenward. A star signifies the special star which guided the wise men to Bethlehem. Lights represent Christ, the Light of the World. Gifts beneath the tree are representative of Gods gift of His only begotten Son, who brings Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace.是四季常青的,这常青的树就象征了信仰基督的基督徒被赋予的永恒生命。尖尖的树梢指向天国……Because it stays green all through the year, the evergreen tree is symbolic of the eternal life offered to Christians through faith in Christ. The treetop points heavenward. A star signifies the special star which guided the wise men to Bethlehem. Lights represent Christ, the Light of the World. Gifts beneath the tree are representative of Gods gift of His only begotten Son, who brings Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace.因为松树是四季常青的,这常青的树就象征了信仰基督的基督徒被赋予的永恒生命。尖尖的树梢指向天国……因为松树是四季常青的,这常青的树就象征了信仰基督的基督徒被赋予的永恒生命。尖尖的树梢指向天国。