

last journey攻略,on the journey


1,on the journey


on the journey


I will by myself finally,here begins the journey which olny belongs to me.我感觉可以的,尤其是后半句here引起的完全倒装用得好
我终将独自一人,开始属于我一个人的旅程。 i am will be alone at last, and start to have a journey that only belongs to my own
I will alone, began to belong to my own journey.
I eventually will start belonging to me a person alone one personal itinerary. 或 I finally alone, began to belong to my own journey. 希望对您有帮助



To make sure that we have enough time to catch the train. I went to Wuxi and I enyoyed my trip last week. Mr Smith is satisfied with this travelling arrangement. The tour guide said to tourists;"Have a good journey!"
Please make sure that we have enough time to carry the train. Last week I went to Wuxi,I enjoyed my trip. Mr.Smith is satisfied with this travel arrangement. The tour guide said to the tourist,"Wish you have a happy journey.
上百度里的雅虎有翻译的 会帮你解决的
楼上的也太不负责任了。我来帮你解答吧: 翻译如下: Please make sure we have enough time to catch up with the train. Last week I went to wuxi and enjoyed my trip very much. Mr Smith was satisfied with the travel arrangement. The guide said to the tourists,"Have a good journey!"


4,the last journey橙光游戏攻略

攻略: 如果实在卡住过不去了再看。。。。 =============================== 第一周目:随意选 ================================ 第二周目:还是回应一下吧-我和你一起去吧-下楼-随意选-躲起来 ================================== 第三周目:求助-拒绝-阻止他们-喊住他们-随意选-纸条-让大家留下 ================================== 三周目之前都是非常简单的因为都是选择没出现过的选项而且作者很体贴的把大部分不同的选项放在了第一个。。。。。 ================================== ================================== 第四周目:NE脱出路线-装作不知-让A哥无事-旁观-不吃 进行下去的路线-找出帮凶-让A哥遇到袭击-调查现场-昔姐、锤锤、言-昔姐-找出她-一楼【办公室】(其余随意)-吃-随意选(建议路线:在众人面前-昔姐) ====================================================================================================== 第五周目:NE脱出路线-调查昔姐房间(10%几率遇到枪)-后续和昔姐路线相同-在天天房间第一次时间条会出现【用枪】选项 昔姐线-调查昔姐房间-A哥-要-让时间条走完-让时间条走完-你怎么不拉昔姐玩-昔姐那边-随意选-让时间条走完-一起离开-询问A哥-厕所窗户-随意选-让时间条走完-让时间条走完-看作者的话 镜子线-调查镜子房间(此处大概有30%几率遇到镜子,遇到的话你可以看一下BE玩……)-蓓蓓-要-让时间条走完-让时间条走完-你怎么不拉镜子玩-镜子那边-随便选-让时间条走完-一起离开-询问蓓蓓-厕所窗户-随便选-让时间条走完-让时间条走完-看作者的话 ====================================================================================================== 第六周目(没有选项分支) 两个GOOD END分别对应昔姐线和镜子线,在走完此条线后立即进入第六周目即可开启。 True End 需要在走完一条线后回到五周目将另一条线走完即可打开。 注意:如果分别想看完两个Good End的话最好在五周目初存档,因为一旦触发了一个就不可能触发另一个了。
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