

dogfight,dog fight 是什么单词



1,dog fight 是什么单词

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dog fight 是什么单词


这本Dogfight是访问Amazon网站的时候根据我的历史记录推荐给我的书籍,但最终读下来不怎么精彩,以后看书看来还得自己选。 不过既然读下来了,还是有一些有趣的故事记录一下: 第一个就是关于苹果首部iPhone的故事 为了防止演示时候由于ios不稳定导致的问题,工程师给教主弄了一个Golden Path的操作流程,按照这个流程应该无大碍,但即使这样IOS还有个内存溢出的问题,后台就给教主准备了几个备机,做一些演示就让手机歇歇换另一台用。为了防止现场对于WIFI的过度使用,特意把Airport的软件改成日本版,这样当时使用的是非美国的无线频段,还有基站的问题,虽然弄了个移动小基站放在后台,但还是不够完美,后来就索性软件写死,一直信号满格...教主对于初始使用摄像机然后投射到屏幕的演示模式十分厌恶,因为能看到操作者的手,后来特意弄个电路板加在iPhone背后,这样看上去不咋好看,但是效果很完美。 iPhone项目组门上贴上Fight Club几个大字,因为Fight Club的第一原则就是不许讨论Fight Club,虽然iPhone原型机在苹果内极其机密的东西,但是实际上Google内部当时有个专门为iPhone开发Google应用的团队反而见到了真实的iPhone。 演示会仅仅是iPhone的开始,后续的规模量产才是主角,Anyone can make one hundred of something. Making a million of them is something else altogether(不知道老罗手机如何制造)。而这个过程也导致了苹果历史上最严重的政治斗争,记住两个人名Forstall和Fadell,当然导演还是教主。 第二是关于谷歌安卓老大Rubin的故事 安卓之父Rubin之前搞了一部很小众的手机SideKick,如果你看过比较老的美剧的话应该对这部可以旋转有键盘的手机有印象,当时里面内置的搜索引擎是Google,也因此有了和Page的见面,也就有了Google对于Android的收购,还有一点就是SideKick是和TMobile联合的,也有了后来G1的发布也是和Tmobile的合作。 Rubin在见Page之前去了趟韩国见了三星的大佬,当时的反应是这样的,“Are you dreaming?” “You and what army are going to go and create this? You have six people. Are you high?” ,而两周后来自Google的收购导致三星的立场大变...这就是Korea... 还有个小花絮,Rubin去谷歌上班开的是法拉利,结果不允许进车库,因为规定是BMW3系以上的车是不允许进的... 其实安卓在谷歌的发展属于典型的谷歌风格,一个字乱。当时一方面有专门的团队去开发iPhone的应用且有较高的优先级,另一方面有Rubin的安卓团队进行手机系统的开发,两者都是秘密,不知道当时的施密特是怎么熬过来的... 第三个是关于专利的故事 第8章的大部分篇幅都用于介绍不论是安卓还是IOS带给整个行业的冲击而引起的法律问题,也回顾了包括莱特兄弟的飞机制造专利,缝纫机专利纠纷,莲花软件纠纷都案例,对于软件来说到底该保护什么呢?过度专利化还是过度版权化?亚马逊的1click是一个经典的案例,而苹果的滑动解锁又贡献了另一个经典案例。“We let people get away with claiming the invention in terms of the problem they solved, not the solution they provided. We dont allow that in anything else,We dont allow people to claim a configuration of atoms to cure cancer. Your solution is a particular chemical.” 引用一位专家的说法供参考。 作者在这本书中引用了包括苹果诉三星案,甲骨文诉谷歌案的庭审资料,这一章也讲了一段法官对于三星律师的无奈和三星律师对于苹果高管咄咄逼人的交叉质询,好像也有媒体报道过,也算比较精彩了。 从作者角度来看,苹果和谷歌的混战属于平台之战,最终结果可能是赢者全拿的局面(不是100%全拿),至于最后的结果如何,我们一起拭目以待吧。


3,DOGFIGHT english version 歌词翻译

haha, the noise is everywhere, a heavyweight that can throw you aside with 5g@s driving on the edge, a battle of millimeters, za-za-zan i can still go on flooring it to easy victories hey rhyme to rhyme zenzen mada tannai genkai no myu- futten koeta mushaburui shuui no koe ga itaiteido jamada wakai mihana saretekara ga hondo no paradaisu gekiryuu ni ukanderu dorairi-fu moshimo unmei ga konohanaraba namini nomarete shimau maeni ima odoriagari giragira hikari terase dogfight hey rhyme to rhyme, still everything@s not enough the finite mu, shaking with the excitement of passing the boiling point the pain level of the ambient voice is still low after being able to give it up, you@ll find true paradise if fate is like a leaf, a dry leaf floating on the rapids i@m gonna leap up now before it gets swallowed up by the waves and shine with a dazzling light in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire me wo tojinai tsuyoki no mamade shiny bullet (dogfight) yarusenai namida ja egakenai yaketa kuuki te wo kazashita sono aiyori itoshii kaikan crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat with the strength to keep your eyes open for the shiny bullet can@t paint with cheerless tears, hands held up in the burning
dogfight tobidase wicked show kuuki biribiri saku noise shiba ite norikonase abaren bouno padi- zettai hikanai kihaku the doggufaito buttoi reddo zo-n no himei ni shibiretai hakanai senkou like a ryuusei isshun no kagayaki demo kamawanai kaimamita kichou na fuukei itsuka kataritai souima ha honnou no mama dogfight burst into the wicked show with an air-shattering noise harnessing and controlling your unruly partner a spirit that will never back down from the dogfight i want to be stunned by huge screams from the red zone a fleeting flash like a shooting star; if there@s just a moment to shine, i don@t care caught a glimpse of the precious scenery; someday, i want to tell about it yeah, now just react on instinct in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire kinou nado sute tekina imakara rocket dance (dogfight) sakebenai negai ga itamunara sugunioide you@re big time gambler orokasaha utsukushii kyokusen crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat throw away the past, it@s time to rocket dance if you@re pained by your unvoiced wishes, step right up, you@re big time gambler your foolishness is a beautiful curve in this crazy game haha souon mo everywhere yokonaguri 5g hodono heviweito giri de soukou miri no koubou za-za-zan rakushou de funde ikeruze madamada haha, the noise is everywhere, a heavyweight that can throw you aside with 5g@s driving on the edge, a battle of millimeters, za-za-zan i can still go on flooring it to easy victories hey rhyme to rhyme zenzen mada tannai genkai no myu- futten koeta mushaburui shuui no koe ga itaiteido jamada wakai mihana saretekara ga hondo no paradaisu gekiryuu ni ukanderu dorairi-fu moshimo unmei ga konohanaraba namini nomarete shimau maeni ima odoriagari giragira hikari terase dogfight hey rhyme to rhyme, still everything@s not enough the finite mu, shaking with the excitement of passing the boiling point the pain level of the ambient voice is still low after being able to give it up, you@ll find true paradise if fate is like a leaf, a dry leaf floating on the rapids i@m gonna leap up now before it gets swallowed up by the waves and shine with a dazzling light in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire me wo tojinai tsuyoki no mamade shiny bullet (dogfight) yarusenai namida ja egakenai yaketa kuuki te wo kazashita sono aiyori itoshii kaikan crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat with the strength to keep your eyes open for the shiny bullet can@t paint with cheerless tears, hands held up in the burning
tobidase wicked show kuuki biribiri saku noise shiba ite norikonase abaren bouno padi- zettai hikanai kihaku the doggufaito buttoi reddo zo-n no himei ni shibiretai hakanai senkou like a ryuusei isshun no kagayaki demo kamawanai kaimamita kichou na fuukei itsuka kataritai souima ha honnou no mama dogfight burst into the wicked show with an air-shattering noise harnessing and controlling your unruly partner a spirit that will never back down from the dogfight i want to be stunned by huge screams from the red zone a fleeting flash like a shooting star; if there@s just a moment to shine, i don@t care caught a glimpse of the precious scenery; someday, i want to tell about it yeah, now just react on instinct in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire kinou nado sute tekina imakara rocket dance (dogfight) sakebenai negai ga itamunara sugunioide you@re big time gambler orokasaha utsukushii kyokusen crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat throw away the past, it@s time to rocket dance if you@re pained by your unvoiced wishes, step right up, you@re big time gambler your foolishness is a beautiful curve in this crazy game haha souon mo everywhere yokonaguri 5g hodono heviweito giri de soukou miri no koubou za-za-zan rakushou de funde ikeruze madamada haha, the noise is everywhere, a heavyweight that can throw you aside with 5g@s driving on the edge, a battle of millimeters, za-za-zan i can still go on flooring it to easy victories hey rhyme to rhyme zenzen mada tannai genkai no myu- futten koeta mushaburui shuui no koe ga itaiteido jamada wakai mihana saretekara ga hondo no paradaisu gekiryuu ni ukanderu dorairi-fu moshimo unmei ga konohanaraba namini nomarete shimau maeni ima odoriagari giragira hikari terase dogfight hey rhyme to rhyme, still everything@s not enough the finite mu, shaking with the excitement of passing the boiling point the pain level of the ambient voice is still low after being able to give it up, you@ll find true paradise if fate is like a leaf, a dry leaf floating on the rapids i@m gonna leap up now before it gets swallowed up by the waves and shine with a dazzling light in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire me wo tojinai tsuyoki no mamade shiny bullet (dogfight) yarusenai namida ja egakenai yaketa kuuki te wo kazashita sono aiyori itoshii kaikan crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat with the strength to keep your eyes open for the shiny bullet can@t paint with cheerless tears, hands held up in the burning
歌曲:dogfight 歌手:move 搜索"dogfight"LRC歌词 搜索"dogfight"mp3 (anime) initial d: dogfight (n a) lyrics: motsu composition: t-kimura performed by move 4th stage opening song tobidase wicked show kuuki biribiri saku noise shiba ite norikonase abaren bouno padi- zettai hikanai kihaku the doggufaito buttoi reddo zo-n no himei ni shibiretai hakanai senkou like a ryuusei isshun no kagayaki demo kamawanai kaimamita kichou na fuukei itsuka kataritai souima ha honnou no mama dogfight burst into the wicked show with an air-shattering noise harnessing and controlling your unruly partner a spirit that will never back down from the dogfight i want to be stunned by huge screams from the red zone a fleeting flash like a shooting star; if there@s just a moment to shine, i don@t care caught a glimpse of the precious scenery; someday, i want to tell about it yeah, now just react on instinct in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire kinou nado sute tekina imakara rocket dance (dogfight) sakebenai negai ga itamunara sugunioide you@re big time gambler orokasaha utsukushii kyokusen crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat throw away the past, it@s time to rocket dance if you@re pained by your unvoiced wishes, step right up, you@re big time gambler your foolishness is a beautiful curve in this crazy game haha souon mo everywhere yokonaguri 5g hodono heviweito giri de soukou miri no koubou za-za-zan rakushou de funde ikeruze madamada haha, the noise is everywhere, a heavyweight that can throw you aside with 5g@s driving on the edge, a battle of millimeters, za-za-zan i can still go on flooring it to easy victories hey rhyme to rhyme zenzen mada tannai genkai no myu- futten koeta mushaburui shuui no koe ga itaiteido jamada wakai mihana saretekara ga hondo no paradaisu gekiryuu ni ukanderu dorairi-fu moshimo unmei ga konohanaraba namini nomarete shimau maeni ima odoriagari giragira hikari terase dogfight hey rhyme to rhyme, still everything@s not enough the finite mu, shaking with the excitement of passing the boiling point the pain level of the ambient voice is still low after being able to give it up, you@ll find true paradise if fate is like a leaf, a dry leaf floating on the rapids i@m gonna leap up now before it gets swallowed up by the waves and shine with a dazzling light in the dogfight shibire tai yume nara koko ni aru kagerou yaburu kaze backfire me wo tojinai tsuyoki no mamade shiny bullet (dogfight) yarusenai namida ja egakenai yaketa kuuki te wo kazashita sono aiyori itoshii kaikan crazy game (break it, break it strike it, shake it) baby, this is your ecstasy your enchanting dream is here, a backfire that rips through the shimmering heat with the strength to keep your eyes open for the shiny bullet can@t paint with cheerless tears, hands held up in the burning LRC歌词来自: http://lrc.bzmtv.com/LRC_db/2007-6-12-JNCQDPLRCQIJRQRKOLPIMM-95842.lrc

DOGFIGHT english version 歌词翻译

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