其实没什么关系,格洛芬德尔诺多族精灵,金花家族首领。瑟兰迪尔是辛达族精灵,林地国王。有关ecthelion的更多信息可查看unfinished tales: "of tuor and his coming to gondolin"以及the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin,"
有关glorfindel的更多信息可查看《魔戒》三部曲、the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin," 以及the peoples of middle-earth: "last writings - glorfindel,"
有关冈多林十二家族的信息,可见the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin,"
1 精灵宝钻中对于他们两位只有很少的内容2 他们俩出现最多的地方,是History of Middle-earth Ⅱ The Book of Lost Tales 2当中的The Fall of Gondolin一节这里有一个全篇翻译http://www.cndkc.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=25776&extra=page%3D1%26amp%3Bfilter%3Ddigest3 这个与译林无关泪雨之战那里的提到过,译林的P215 冈多林的陷落 译林P271 万恶的译林把Ecthelion叫:埃克赛林。。所以你没有留意到一点也不奇怪。。。。有关ecthelion的更多信息可查看unfinished tales: "of tuor and his coming to gondolin"以及the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin,"有关glorfindel的更多信息可查看《魔戒》三部曲、the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin," 以及the peoples of middle-earth: "last writings - glorfindel,"有关冈多林十二家族的信息,可见the book of lost tales part two: "the fall of gondolin,"