play have fun 是一般的情况
enjoy 是最高级别 :享受
还有treat lightly
I play game with my friendI play games with my friendPlay games with my friends
play games玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校play games玩游戏:play games【例句】如果他们必须在你睡觉时间外玩游戏,让他们将电视调成无声。If they have to play video games past your bedtime, they can mute the tv.
Play a game with the guys inside.And the people playing the game in.And the inside of the games people games 玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校你好,参考如下:Play games with people in there百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~
玩球 应该是 play with the ball所以应该是The dog is playing with the ball under the table.The dog is playing the ball under the table.The dog plays under the table.the dog is playing under the deskThe dog is playing the ball under the desk.the dog is playing the ball under the desk
7,一些游戏术语的英文翻译 有兴趣的来看看
Game Help
操作方法: How: 有三种不同的操作模式,你可以在“OPTIONS”选择其中一种 There are three different modes of operation, you can "OPTIONS" select one
1 虚拟摇杆你可以触摸屏幕上的虚拟摇杆区域,通过手指的运动来控制飞机 A virtual joystick you can touch the screen virtual joystick area, through the finger movements to control the aircraft 2 点击屏幕(用手指在屏幕上拖动) 2 Click the screen (the screen with a finger drag) 你可以用手指点击屏幕上的任意区域,飞机会跟随你所触摸的位置移动 You can click on the screen with a finger to any area, aircraft will follow the location of your touch mobile 3 水平倾斜你可以通过倾斜屏幕的水平度来控制飞机 3 level inclination you can tilt the screen to control the aircraft and the level of degree
这行吗?用有道词典 翻译