佛教否定现实世界的实存性而追求自我的涅磐寂静,原文是“彼语寂灭者往而不反,徇生执有者物而不化,二者虽有间矣,以言乎失道则均焉”。意思是佛教否定现实世界的实存性而追求自我的涅磐寂静,道教否定现实世界的运动性而追求个体的长生久视,虽然二者立言本旨有所差异,但都否认社会存在的整体性、实存性,失却对社会现实的关怀,抛弃了对社会责任的担当,因而不是合乎世界本真和社会需要的价值观,要解决社会问题,就要弘扬积极入世、关怀现实的儒学价值观。纯手打欢迎采纳只知道物理里面的湮灭是 annihilation意思应该是一样的withering away all aloneeternal silence寂灭 [jì miè] quietus
7,寂灭 英语怎么说
寂灭:still quiescence例句与用法(共3句):1.thus restrained , his mind becomes calm . aum(寂灭) 他的心不再放逸,进入寂灭。 2.then , suddenly , everything vanished(寂灭) , and there was that little tap , tap , tapping again , coming from over by the window , as if someone was knocking at the door 蓦地一切都寂灭了,依然是那答,答,答的小声从窗边传来,像有人在叩门。 3.this is embodied in the practice of saniathavipa syana and buddhist harmony , in the comprehension of getting rid of delusion and following the truth and in tile feeling of nirvana(寂灭) of peace and harmony 这些体现在止观双修与理事圆融的修行实践中,体现在对去妄归真的认识中,体现在寂灭为乐的感受中。 还满意吧?there is a wind that never dies.