做优化 做了6年了 ,总结了一些排名的原则规则,你可以看看,对百度收录有益的几条内部因素 1、URL中出现关键词 url链接中包含页面的关键字可以使搜索引擎增加对链接页面以及本页面的关注度,有利于在百度的收录; 2、网页Title中出现关键词 毫无疑问,所有的SEO们都认可Title中出现关键词对于网页排名的好处; 3、常规内容中出现关键词 适当的关键词密度有利于页面在搜索引擎索引中获得好的名次。 4、在页面的第一段中出现关键词 搜索引擎似乎特别关注页面的开头以及页面的底部,似乎在文章开头或者结尾出现关键词有强调关键词的作用,尤其是在文章的第一段,似乎搜索引擎还在沿用截取的方法获得文章的描述,如果页面没有设定描述的话; Can news organizations survive the credit crunch and explore SEO and paid distribution models? Introduction The financial tsunami is sweeping the globe, from the financial 代写ASSIGNMENT industry, real estate, retail to manufacturing, and Media http://www.51lunwen.org/daixieassignment/2011/0429/1445186446.htmlindustry is difficult to escape .A number of European and American media group announced the layoffs, restructuring, and both of newspaper sales and advertising volume shrinkage have been compounded the media situation even more so. This paper analyzes the problems of media on distribution, advertising and financing, thus from the SEO and paid distribution form online two aspects to explore how the media to deal with credit crisis. The Credit Crunch Impacts on the Media First of all, it is on the distribution. Distributions for the media have tremendous importance.(Murdock, 1990) Whether consumers are willing to buy media products, the quantity to buy and the number of repeat purchase is a key factor to impact the media operation and management. (Adorno, T.W. 1975) However, with the economics point of view, the media product is not a necessity, but rather a optional item. With the economic crisis, national income is generally shrinking, and the demand for media products will decline naturally. (Hall, S. ed., 1978). Second, it is on the advertisements. Under the impact of the financial tsunami, global companies have been hit to varying degrees, particularly in finance, real estate, automotive and other industries. (Franklin,B., 2001) But these industries are the largest customers in the past advertising market. In its own assets shrinking and the vulnerability of balance of payments increasing, many companies have no choice but to withdraw advertising, or to reduce the amount of advertising expenditures significantly, which had a significant negative impact on the media. (Curran, J. & Seaton, J., 1997) In the end, it is on the financing. The U.S. financial tsunami resulted from the collapse of sub prime credit market, which caused the overall credit crisis. (Eysenck, H. and Nias, D.K.B, 1971) Perhaps the mere reduction in the amount of circulation and advertising is still not make a big media group in trouble, but when coupled with the stock market collapse which led to a drastic shrinkage of the market value and the credit crisis which resulted from the excessive borrowing, even the most well-known and most powerful media group probably could not escape. (Berelson,B., 1952)记得采纳啊