this body is just one of many ! This place will burn, not by cinder flying or breath of wind, but by the vengeance of my hand~!<a href="" target="_blank"></a> 去看看吧 感觉火人还是蛮难的 0.0
第一滴血 First blood.·第一次杀敌(或死了重生后第一次杀敌) You have slain an enemy.·己方英雄被杀 An ally has been slain.·敌方英雄被杀 An enemy has been slain.·英雄被防御塔等非英雄击杀 Executed.·某方被团灭 aced(Enemy) Double kill. / Triple kill. / Quadro kill. / Penta kill.双杀/三杀/四杀/五杀(Enemy) Killing Spree. xxx正在大杀特杀(Enemy) Rampage. xxx已经暴走了(An enemy is) Unstoppable. 人类已经无法阻挡xxx(An enemy is) Dominating. xxx已经主宰了比赛(An enemy is) God like. xxx神一般(An enemy is) Legendary. xxx已经超越神了Shutdown! 连杀被终止Your team has destroied an inhibitor.转自第一滴血 first blood 双杀 double kill 三杀 triple kill 四杀 quatary kill 五杀 penta kill 团灭 ace 接近神 godlike 超神 legendary