是闪退吗?如果是手机上闪退的话那可能你配置不行,建议你用安卓模拟器玩,如果是安卓模拟器上闪退的话你可以试试切换模拟器分辨率,我用的是夜神模拟器玩剑网3指尖江湖.如果手机登不上,可以安装个腾讯手游助手在电脑上,腾讯手游助手不仅能将手游接到电脑端,让你享受到大屏显示的畅快感,还独家首创“傲引擎”,使游戏启动性能提升10倍,告别玩游戏卡顿困扰。是美国hbo播出的电视剧权力的游戏第一季第一集。同时也是北方史塔克家族(house stark of winterfell)的家族族语。"now, ai liya, we go south," he gazed into the distance, "to meet our sister."joan looked at ai liya, as if to understand what, but still blurred.ai liya deep dissolve doubts on his face, "stark family motto, joan?""winter is approaching." he muttered.titus pale face a smile, the only summer - his wolf, followed him. he looked in the direction of the great wall - and throughout all regions of the south of the great wall."yes, cold winter is approaching." he said, "because we are coming."字面解释是寒冷凛冽的冬天即将到来。 不过对某些人而言 ,追逐权利是一种游戏