One day, a boss in a wide lawn see a rooster. But rooster eyes are blind. The boss went past say: we can be a friend? The rooster said: good! The cock openings beg say: I want to see the sky, can you help me? The boss said: ok.One day, a boss sees a cock on a wide grass.The cock is blind .The boss comes to the cock and says :"can we make friends ?" "ok",says the cock,"i want to see the sky .can you help me ?" The boss says :"no problem ."
8,祖玛的复仇 第五十关BOSS怎么打呀
手机祖玛的复仇50关我也遇到这个问题了,刚上来就被莫名其妙的转晕了,这关怎么打啊手机祖玛的复仇50关我也遇到这个问题了,刚上来就被莫名其妙的转晕了,这关怎么打啊这一关真的难过啊。有哪位高手过关的啊。来教教大家吧。期待过的高手来解答,BOSS周围有十几个小圈围成的大圈,其中几个小圈颜色不一样的。个人猜测应该是1.在一秒左右击中那几个颜色不一样的小圈2.击中能爆的球3.根据提示“在漆黑的黑暗和鳗鱼骨怪物隐藏的秘密是他的弱点”找找图中有没有什么特别的地方4.再不就是回前几关找找有没有隐藏的道具什么的反正这关在开始的2秒内必须要出手啦,不然青蛙就被转死了。。。。很变态吧同问,只有一次出手机会?就那几秒必须集中能爆的球?还没反应过来就完了分别出现过3次英文rage surrounds me in a shiny ring ! try to pierce mey defenses . just trythe inky darkness and eels of bone hide the monster is secret weakness````` his soft and fleshy undersideyou still not getting it yet ?you .can it .shoot, me翻译过来以后是我愤怒包围在一个闪亮的戒指!尝试皮尔斯梅伊防御。只是尝试在漆黑的黑暗和鳗鱼骨怪物隐藏的秘密是他的弱点`````肉质柔软,底面你还没有得到它了吗?你。才能。射击,我