这个任务发现很多人都触发不了,请按照我的游戏流程来保证没有问题:来到白漫做主线任务直到莱迪亚成为侍卫-完成莱迪亚的大冒险任务-来到独孤城先接侩子手阿塔的任务清理断浆洞穴(为保险我是把“关灯”这个任务也做了的)-完成小寡妇任务系列前面的三个任务-成为独孤城的武卫并且让朱蒂斯成为你的侍卫-再去找小寡妇聊天,这个任务就能开启了。 Quest ID: SexLabAmorousAdventuresOar STAGE 10: Milady Elisif has not spoken recently of the strange bond we seem to share. I should speak with her and see if there are mutual feelings of love between us.近来艾丽西弗女王没有表现出我们之间有什么特别的情愫。我想和她开诚布公的谈谈,看我们是否对彼此有爱意。 STAGE 20: Milady Elisif says she has taken ill. An unnatural illness, perhaps the work of assassins! I should seek council from the court mage Sybille Stentor on this matter. 艾丽西弗女王说她得了一种怪病,或许是被暗害!我得就此事去咨询希比利?斯丹特。 STAGE 30: Sybille Stentor has discovered a cave which may be the source of this dark magic affecting Elisif. I will go tell Lady Elisif that I may have a lead on the problem which has made her unwell.希比利?斯丹特发现艾丽西可能受到一个洞穴里的黑魔法影响。我要去告诉艾丽西弗女士也许我知道导致她不适的原因。 STAGE 40: Milady Elisif requests I take my Solitude Housecarl Jordis on my investigation. Elisif trusts Jordis and seems concerned for my well being. I will speak with Jordis about this.艾丽西弗女王要求我在调查的时候带上侍从朱迪斯。她对我的安全表示担忧,并相信朱迪斯能确保我的安全。我要去找朱迪斯谈谈这件事。 STAGE 50: I will investigate Broken Oar Grotto near Solitude. Once the hideout of the Blackblood Marauders, who knows what villains lurk there now and what they are plotting against Elisif.我将调查独孤城附近的烂桨洞穴。这里过去是黑血掠夺者的据点,现在不知道哪些坏家伙藏在那里,他们又有什么针对艾丽西弗的阴谋。 STAGE 60: I have discovered a strange Wedding Dress on a dead woman. This matches the visions Elisif was having! I wonder if my Housecarl Jordis and I can do something about this curse right here. I should talk to Jordis.我在一个女人尸体身上看到一件奇怪的婚礼服,就像艾丽西弗的幻觉一模一样(或者意思是就像艾丽西弗身上那件)。不知我和朱迪斯能否就地解除诅咒。我应该跟朱迪斯谈谈。 STAGE 70: I must return this foul evidence to Sybille Stentor in Solitude.我得把这件邪恶的证物带回给希比利?斯丹特。 STAGE 80: This is serious indeed. Some sort of dark magic affects Lady Elisif, and a ritual involving the Forsworn and a profaned wedding is at the root of it. I must find a way to put an end to this plot and save Elisif. 事情的确很严重。某种黑魔法影响了艾丽西弗女士,它源自于一个宗教仪式,这种仪式与弃誓者和被玷污的婚礼有关。我必须想办法阻止这个阴谋解救艾丽西弗。 STAGE 200: Quest Complete任务完成