首先,在详细讲解阅读题目的答题策略之前,需要讲到的一点是,PTE开始采取交叉打分,所以口语部分的RA和写作部分的SWT都会对阅读成绩有所影响。同时,PTE阅读部分的各个题目,都有相应的答题及备考策略。今天小7跟大家分享一下关于阅读部分经验以及解答大家对于阅读部分的问题。本期主要是针对其他几项分数都已经过了自己的理想分数的,但是阅读分数确一直考不出来的学生们。那么,PTE考试当中有哪些题型会对阅读造成影响呢?除了阅读本身的考试题以外,大家要知道其他考试部分也会给阅读贡献分数,而且首当其冲的就是全场考试的第一题 – Read Aloud。除了RA以外,另一个大头就是写作里面的第一题 – Summarize Written Text。在听力部分当中,也有两个题型给阅读贡献分数,分别是Highlight Correct Summary 以及Highlight Incorrect Words。不过总的来说,对于阅读影响最大的题型共有四个,分别是:FIB, RA, SWT, RP。把握这四种题型你的阅读分数一定会达到自己的目标。我们现在就来一种题型一种题型来分析。Read AloudRA的阅读分数是体现在断句上面。只要你断句是正确的,那么你的阅读分数就会增加。PTE评分是根据你断句的正确与否来判定你是否读懂这一段落。因此,想要快速提高阅读分数,一定要在平时就把RA的断句研究明白,保证上考场的时候自然而然的把句子念对。例如下面一道题目:This book is no ordinary book / and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many different adventures, and the path you take / will depend on the choices you make / along the way. The success or failure of your mission / will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.(除了标点符号以外可以断句的地方由红色斜杠标注)Summarize Written TextSWT的阅读分数体现在考生的答案是否包含文章的重点信息。对于这样的评分准则来说,考生要尽量做到把每一段的主题和重点找出来。英文写作当中,一段通常只有一个重点内容,第一句话一般是重点或者主题,后面的部分都是在具体解释。所以当你缩写第一句话之后,内容信息基本都可以找的到。如果遇到没有分段的文章,那么考生则需要自己将一整段分成几个小点,并将小点整合出来,完成写作。例如本题:In such an environment, warfare is no longer purely directed against the military potential of adversarial states. It is rather directed at infiltrating all areas of their societies and to threaten their existences.The comparatively easy access to weapons of mass destruction, in particular relatively and low-cost biological agents, is of key concern. Both governmental and non-governmental actors prefer to use force in a war that can be characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars.” War waged according to conventions is an interstate phenomenon. The “small war” is the archetype of war, in which the protagonists acknowledge no rules and permanently try to violate what conventions do exist. The protagonists of the “small war” observe neither international standards nor arms control agreements. They make use of territories where they do not have to fear anysanctions because there is no functioning state to assume charge of such sanctions or because the state in question is too weak to impose such sanctions. This type of war does not provide for any warning time. It challenges not only the external security of the nation states and international community, but also their internal safety.Fill in the Blanks在前几期的推送当中,同学们应该已经知道FIB的解题重点是搭配以及单词。其实很多同学并不是因为完全没有读懂或者不认识单词而造成的错误,而是因为不细心,没有区分近义词而导致的失误。例如本题:Measuring povertyMeasuring poverty on a global scale_____ establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank hasdefined the international poverty line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the _____ of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the ____ developed countries, primarily African; the $2-per-daylevel is used for middle ____ economies such as those of East Asia and Latin America.1. requires/wants/needs/insists2. supply/qualities/prices/demands3. least/more/most/less4. size/income/age/class正确答案为: requires, prices, least和income. 第一个常见错误是,许多同学把needs和requires混淆。Needs是需要,而requires是要求,两者的态度方面是有区别的。本文上下文是再说要求一个统一的贫穷水平的建立,所以这里应当是requires。第二个常见错误是第三个空,很多同学都选择less。这种错误是因为大家没有看到这个空前面的the,比较级是没有the,而最高级才有the,所以答案是least。Reorder ParagraphRP解题关键就是要看前后句子的链接,所以考生们在做题的时候一定要看好前后句子的连接以及逻辑顺序,根据语法知识、阅读理解以及指代词语来分析做题。一定要把握好前后关系,这也是得分的关键。例如本题:1. It was there that Rosa Parks, an African American woman, refused to vacate her seat in the middle of the bus so that a white man could sit in her place.2. She was arrested for her civil disobedience.3. Parks arrest, a coordinated tactic meant to sparka grassroots movement, succeeded in catalyzing the Montgomery bus boycott.4. Parkswas chosen by King as the face for his campaign because of Parks good standing with the community, her employment, and her marital status.5. Earlierin 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old African American girl, had been arrested for the same crime. However, King and his civil rights compatriots did not feel that she wouldserve as an effective face for the civil rights campaign.首先,在详细讲解阅读题目的答题策略之前,需要讲到的一点是,PTE开始采取交叉打分,所以口语部分的RA和写作部分的SWT都会对阅读成绩有所影响。同时,PTE阅读部分的各个题目,都有相应的答题及备考策略。今天小7跟大家分享一下关于阅读部分经验以及解答大家对于阅读部分的问题。本期主要是针对其他几项分数都已经过了自己的理想分数的,但是阅读分数确一直考不出来的学生们。那么,PTE考试当中有哪些题型会对阅读造成影响呢?除了阅读本身的考试题以外,大家要知道其他考试部分也会给阅读贡献分数,而且首当其冲的就是全场考试的第一题 – Read Aloud。除了RA以外,另一个大头就是写作里面的第一题 – Summarize Written Text。在听力部分当中,也有两个题型给阅读贡献分数,分别是Highlight Correct Summary 以及Highlight Incorrect Words。不过总的来说,对于阅读影响最大的题型共有四个,分别是:FIB, RA, SWT, RP。把握这四种题型你的阅读分数一定会达到自己的目标。我们现在就来一种题型一种题型来分析。Read AloudRA的阅读分数是体现在断句上面。只要你断句是正确的,那么你的阅读分数就会增加。PTE评分是根据你断句的正确与否来判定你是否读懂这一段落。因此,想要快速提高阅读分数,一定要在平时就把RA的断句研究明白,保证上考场的时候自然而然的把句子念对。例如下面一道题目:This book is no ordinary book / and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many different adventures, and the path you take / will depend on the choices you make / along the way. The success or failure of your mission / will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.(除了标点符号以外可以断句的地方由红色斜杠标注)Summarize Written TextSWT的阅读分数体现在考生的答案是否包含文章的重点信息。对于这样的评分准则来说,考生要尽量做到把每一段的主题和重点找出来。英文写作当中,一段通常只有一个重点内容,第一句话一般是重点或者主题,后面的部分都是在具体解释。所以当你缩写第一句话之后,内容信息基本都可以找的到。如果遇到没有分段的文章,那么考生则需要自己将一整段分成几个小点,并将小点整合出来,完成写作。例如本题:In such an environment, warfare is no longer purely directed against the military potential of adversarial states. It is rather directed at infiltrating all areas of their societies and to threaten their existences.The comparatively easy access to weapons of mass destruction, in particular relatively and low-cost biological agents, is of key concern. Both governmental and non-governmental actors prefer to use force in a war that can be characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars.” War waged according to conventions is an interstate phenomenon. The “small war” is the archetype of war, in which the protagonists acknowledge no rules and permanently try to violate what conventions do exist. The protagonists of the “small war” observe neither international standards nor arms control agreements. They make use of territories where they do not have to fear anysanctions because there is no functioning state to assume charge of such sanctions or because the state in question is too weak to impose such sanctions. This type of war does not provide for any warning time. It challenges not only the external security of the nation states and international community, but also their internal safety.Fill in the Blanks在前几期的推送当中,同学们应该已经知道FIB的解题重点是搭配以及单词。其实很多同学并不是因为完全没有读懂或者不认识单词而造成的错误,而是因为不细心,没有区分近义词而导致的失误。例如本题:Measuring povertyMeasuring poverty on a global scale_____ establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank hasdefined the international poverty line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the _____ of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the ____ developed countries, primarily African; the $2-per-daylevel is used for middle ____ economies such as those of East Asia and Latin America.1. requires/wants/needs/insists2. supply/qualities/prices/demands3. least/more/most/less4. size/income/age/class正确答案为: requires, prices, least和income. 第一个常见错误是,许多同学把needs和requires混淆。Needs是需要,而requires是要求,两者的态度方面是有区别的。本文上下文是再说要求一个统一的贫穷水平的建立,所以这里应当是requires。第二个常见错误是第三个空,很多同学都选择less。这种错误是因为大家没有看到这个空前面的the,比较级是没有the,而最高级才有the,所以答案是least。Reorder ParagraphRP解题关键就是要看前后句子的链接,所以考生们在做题的时候一定要看好前后句子的连接以及逻辑顺序,根据语法知识、阅读理解以及指代词语来分析做题。一定要把握好前后关系,这也是得分的关键。例如本题:1. It was there that Rosa Parks, an African American woman, refused to vacate her seat in the middle of the bus so that a white man could sit in her place.2. She was arrested for her civil disobedience.3. Parks arrest, a coordinated tactic meant to sparka grassroots movement, succeeded in catalyzing the Montgomery bus boycott.4. Parkswas chosen by King as the face for his campaign because of Parks good standing with the community, her employment, and her marital status.5. Earlierin 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old African American girl, had been arrested for the same crime. However, King and his civil rights compatriots did not feel that she wouldserve as an effective face for the civil rights campaign.很多同学的听力和阅读是两大块心病,在PTE考试后发现自己的写作分数很高,但听力和阅读的分数都上不去。于是便在这两项里面下苦功夫,包括背鸡精,精听VOA, 老托93篇等等,效果却不尽如人意。这几个方法或许不是不合理,而是不适合你。今天就简单讲解几个复习方法的优缺点,供大家参考。第一临考前狂背鸡精这个方法往往适合基础已经很好的同学,他们在词汇量,语法,口语能力已经相当强,对考试形式,题型一般是非常熟练。他们一看到题目马上知道是什么类型,根本不用花时间去看眼前的题目是单选,多选还是填空。他们一看到题目,心里就知道自己有没有背过这道题目。如果有,可以马上回忆起答案,根本连文章都不用听完整或读完整就能写出答案。有这种水平的同学,背鸡精是在短期内提高分数的有效方法。但是随着PTE题库不断更新,鸡精数量多得让人根本背不下来,所以这种方法适合基础好加上运气好的同学。第二精听VOA,老托93篇都说精听是提分路上的好助手,相信每个人都会这么做,但是你做对了吗?有的同学听完一次,写下来,最后对一下原文就算完事了。其实在只做了一半,根本没有完成。比较好的方式是先听一次,但不写下来,尽量用短期记忆力记下来,然后自己复述一下。然后听第二次的时候,这是才尽可能的写下听到的句子。写完后与原文比较,看看写错或写漏了那个单词,最后再听一次句子并跟读一次。尽量模仿原文的发音,语速和连读。这份经验帖是不是很短小精悍呢,主要是说多了怕大家难以消化啦,希望对大家有所帮助。转自搜狐教育PTE作为纯机考考试,首先要对PTE有一定的了解,要知道具体的PTE报名流程、考试事项、考试题型以及特点。关于PTE考试题型,一共有听说读写四科。口语部分有5种题型,出题顺序为Read aloud,Repeat sentence,Describe image,Re-tell lecture,Answer Short Question ,并且使用总体计时,答题时间一般为30-35分钟。写作部分有2种题型,出题的顺序为Summarize written text(小作文), Write essay(大作文),总时长为50或60分钟;阅读部分有5种题型,随机出题,分别为Single-answer choice,Multiple-answer choice,Re-order,Reading: Fill in blanks, Reading&writing: Fill in blanks,阅读部分也采用总体计时,答题时间一般为33-41分钟;听力部分有8种题型,但是先考Summarize spoken text题型,每道题10分钟,独立计时,而剩下的题型随机出题,答题时间一般为23-28分钟。如果想深度了解PTE考试,可以去下载Official Guide、 Tests Plus、Test Builder这三本PTE的官方资料作为参考,了解必要的题型。其次就是自身的英语基础,可以通过之前的各种英语考试的成绩和单词量的检测来判断自己哪方面比较薄弱,然后进行加强提高。而且PTE考试首要的练习资料就是机经,目前来说,机经还是非常重要的,因为PTE考试从出现到现在时间是非常短的,题库范围不大,机经的命中率较高。学习大量的机经有助于提高自身的考试应试能力。而且口语和写作的部分模板也是非常重要的,因为PTE是纯机考的,机器在阅卷的时候是无法判断文章的逻辑性和中心思想,能够判定的只是你的语法和词汇的正确性,所以直接套模板也是一种很好的方法。因此PTE口语和写作方面还是比较容易拿分的。最后,如果想要短时间内提高成绩,就要不停地努力和练习。当然也可以通过报名班课进行学习,因为在老师的指导下会节省大量的时间。PTE在线学院为各位考生提供海量的PTE考试资讯和资料。想了解更多请咨询PTE在线学院小助手(微信号:kewo-pte)首先,在详细讲解阅读题目的答题策略之前,需要讲到的一点是,PTE开始采取交叉打分,所以口语部分的RA和写作部分的SWT都会对阅读成绩有所影响。同时,PTE阅读部分的各个题目,都有相应的答题及备考策略。今天小7跟大家分享一下关于阅读部分经验以及解答大家对于阅读部分的问题。本期主要是针对其他几项分数都已经过了自己的理想分数的,但是阅读分数确一直考不出来的学生们。那么,PTE考试当中有哪些题型会对阅读造成影响呢?除了阅读本身的考试题以外,大家要知道其他考试部分也会给阅读贡献分数,而且首当其冲的就是全场考试的第一题 – Read Aloud。除了RA以外,另一个大头就是写作里面的第一题 – Summarize Written Text。在听力部分当中,也有两个题型给阅读贡献分数,分别是Highlight Correct Summary 以及Highlight Incorrect Words。不过总的来说,对于阅读影响最大的题型共有四个,分别是:FIB, RA, SWT, RP。把握这四种题型你的阅读分数一定会达到自己的目标。我们现在就来一种题型一种题型来分析。Read AloudRA的阅读分数是体现在断句上面。只要你断句是正确的,那么你的阅读分数就会增加。PTE评分是根据你断句的正确与否来判定你是否读懂这一段落。因此,想要快速提高阅读分数,一定要在平时就把RA的断句研究明白,保证上考场的时候自然而然的把句子念对。例如下面一道题目:This book is no ordinary book / and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many different adventures, and the path you take / will depend on the choices you make / along the way. The success or failure of your mission / will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.(除了标点符号以外可以断句的地方由红色斜杠标注)Summarize Written TextSWT的阅读分数体现在考生的答案是否包含文章的重点信息。对于这样的评分准则来说,考生要尽量做到把每一段的主题和重点找出来。英文写作当中,一段通常只有一个重点内容,第一句话一般是重点或者主题,后面的部分都是在具体解释。所以当你缩写第一句话之后,内容信息基本都可以找的到。如果遇到没有分段的文章,那么考生则需要自己将一整段分成几个小点,并将小点整合出来,完成写作。例如本题:In such an environment, warfare is no longer purely directed against the military potential of adversarial states. It is rather directed at infiltrating all areas of their societies and to threaten their existences.The comparatively easy access to weapons of mass destruction, in particular relatively and low-cost biological agents, is of key concern. Both governmental and non-governmental actors prefer to use force in a war that can be characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars.” War waged according to conventions is an interstate phenomenon. The “small war” is the archetype of war, in which the protagonists acknowledge no rules and permanently try to violate what conventions do exist. The protagonists of the “small war” observe neither international standards nor arms control agreements. They make use of territories where they do not have to fear anysanctions because there is no functioning state to assume charge of such sanctions or because the state in question is too weak to impose such sanctions. This type of war does not provide for any warning time. It challenges not only the external security of the nation states and international community, but also their internal safety.Fill in the Blanks在前几期的推送当中,同学们应该已经知道FIB的解题重点是搭配以及单词。其实很多同学并不是因为完全没有读懂或者不认识单词而造成的错误,而是因为不细心,没有区分近义词而导致的失误。例如本题:Measuring povertyMeasuring poverty on a global scale_____ establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank hasdefined the international poverty line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the _____ of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the ____ developed countries, primarily African; the $2-per-daylevel is used for middle ____ economies such as those of East Asia and Latin America.1. requires/wants/needs/insists2. supply/qualities/prices/demands3. least/more/most/less4. size/income/age/class正确答案为: requires, prices, least和income. 第一个常见错误是,许多同学把needs和requires混淆。Needs是需要,而requires是要求,两者的态度方面是有区别的。本文上下文是再说要求一个统一的贫穷水平的建立,所以这里应当是requires。第二个常见错误是第三个空,很多同学都选择less。这种错误是因为大家没有看到这个空前面的the,比较级是没有the,而最高级才有the,所以答案是least。Reorder ParagraphRP解题关键就是要看前后句子的链接,所以考生们在做题的时候一定要看好前后句子的连接以及逻辑顺序,根据语法知识、阅读理解以及指代词语来分析做题。一定要把握好前后关系,这也是得分的关键。例如本题:1. It was there that Rosa Parks, an African American woman, refused to vacate her seat in the middle of the bus so that a white man could sit in her place.2. She was arrested for her civil disobedience.3. Parks arrest, a coordinated tactic meant to sparka grassroots movement, succeeded in catalyzing the Montgomery bus boycott.4. Parkswas chosen by King as the face for his campaign because of Parks good standing with the community, her employment, and her marital status.5. Earlierin 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old African American girl, had been arrested for the same crime. However, King and his civil rights compatriots did not feel that she wouldserve as an effective face for the civil rights campaign.首先,在详细讲解阅读题目的答题策略之前,需要讲到的一点是,PTE开始采取交叉打分,所以口语部分的RA和写作部分的SWT都会对阅读成绩有所影响。同时,PTE阅读部分的各个题目,都有相应的答题及备考策略。今天小7跟大家分享一下关于阅读部分经验以及解答大家对于阅读部分的问题。本期主要是针对其他几项分数都已经过了自己的理想分数的,但是阅读分数确一直考不出来的学生们。那么,PTE考试当中有哪些题型会对阅读造成影响呢?除了阅读本身的考试题以外,大家要知道其他考试部分也会给阅读贡献分数,而且首当其冲的就是全场考试的第一题 – Read Aloud。除了RA以外,另一个大头就是写作里面的第一题 – Summarize Written Text。在听力部分当中,也有两个题型给阅读贡献分数,分别是Highlight Correct Summary 以及Highlight Incorrect Words。不过总的来说,对于阅读影响最大的题型共有四个,分别是:FIB, RA, SWT, RP。把握这四种题型你的阅读分数一定会达到自己的目标。我们现在就来一种题型一种题型来分析。Read AloudRA的阅读分数是体现在断句上面。只要你断句是正确的,那么你的阅读分数就会增加。PTE评分是根据你断句的正确与否来判定你是否读懂这一段落。因此,想要快速提高阅读分数,一定要在平时就把RA的断句研究明白,保证上考场的时候自然而然的把句子念对。例如下面一道题目:This book is no ordinary book / and should not be read through from beginning to end. It contains many different adventures, and the path you take / will depend on the choices you make / along the way. The success or failure of your mission / will hinge on the decisions you make, so think carefully before choosing.(除了标点符号以外可以断句的地方由红色斜杠标注)Summarize Written TextSWT的阅读分数体现在考生的答案是否包含文章的重点信息。对于这样的评分准则来说,考生要尽量做到把每一段的主题和重点找出来。英文写作当中,一段通常只有一个重点内容,第一句话一般是重点或者主题,后面的部分都是在具体解释。所以当你缩写第一句话之后,内容信息基本都可以找的到。如果遇到没有分段的文章,那么考生则需要自己将一整段分成几个小点,并将小点整合出来,完成写作。例如本题:In such an environment, warfare is no longer purely directed against the military potential of adversarial states. It is rather directed at infiltrating all areas of their societies and to threaten their existences.The comparatively easy access to weapons of mass destruction, in particular relatively and low-cost biological agents, is of key concern. Both governmental and non-governmental actors prefer to use force in a war that can be characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars.” War waged according to conventions is an interstate phenomenon. The “small war” is the archetype of war, in which the protagonists acknowledge no rules and permanently try to violate what conventions do exist. The protagonists of the “small war” observe neither international standards nor arms control agreements. They make use of territories where they do not have to fear anysanctions because there is no functioning state to assume charge of such sanctions or because the state in question is too weak to impose such sanctions. This type of war does not provide for any warning time. It challenges not only the external security of the nation states and international community, but also their internal safety.Fill in the Blanks在前几期的推送当中,同学们应该已经知道FIB的解题重点是搭配以及单词。其实很多同学并不是因为完全没有读懂或者不认识单词而造成的错误,而是因为不细心,没有区分近义词而导致的失误。例如本题:Measuring povertyMeasuring poverty on a global scale_____ establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank hasdefined the international poverty line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the _____ of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the ____ developed countries, primarily African; the $2-per-daylevel is used for middle ____ economies such as those of East Asia and Latin America.1. requires/wants/needs/insists2. supply/qualities/prices/demands3. least/more/most/less4. size/income/age/class正确答案为: requires, prices, least和income. 第一个常见错误是,许多同学把needs和requires混淆。Needs是需要,而requires是要求,两者的态度方面是有区别的。本文上下文是再说要求一个统一的贫穷水平的建立,所以这里应当是requires。第二个常见错误是第三个空,很多同学都选择less。这种错误是因为大家没有看到这个空前面的the,比较级是没有the,而最高级才有the,所以答案是least。Reorder ParagraphRP解题关键就是要看前后句子的链接,所以考生们在做题的时候一定要看好前后句子的连接以及逻辑顺序,根据语法知识、阅读理解以及指代词语来分析做题。一定要把握好前后关系,这也是得分的关键。例如本题:1. It was there that Rosa Parks, an African American woman, refused to vacate her seat in the middle of the bus so that a white man could sit in her place.2. She was arrested for her civil disobedience.3. Parks arrest, a coordinated tactic meant to sparka grassroots movement, succeeded in catalyzing the Montgomery bus boycott.4. Parkswas chosen by King as the face for his campaign because of Parks good standing with the community, her employment, and her marital status.5. Earlierin 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old African American girl, had been arrested for the same crime. However, King and his civil rights compatriots did not feel that she wouldserve as an effective face for the civil rights campaign.很多同学的听力和阅读是两大块心病,在PTE考试后发现自己的写作分数很高,但听力和阅读的分数都上不去。于是便在这两项里面下苦功夫,包括背鸡精,精听VOA, 老托93篇等等,效果却不尽如人意。这几个方法或许不是不合理,而是不适合你。今天就简单讲解几个复习方法的优缺点,供大家参考。第一临考前狂背鸡精这个方法往往适合基础已经很好的同学,他们在词汇量,语法,口语能力已经相当强,对考试形式,题型一般是非常熟练。他们一看到题目马上知道是什么类型,根本不用花时间去看眼前的题目是单选,多选还是填空。他们一看到题目,心里就知道自己有没有背过这道题目。如果有,可以马上回忆起答案,根本连文章都不用听完整或读完整就能写出答案。有这种水平的同学,背鸡精是在短期内提高分数的有效方法。但是随着PTE题库不断更新,鸡精数量多得让人根本背不下来,所以这种方法适合基础好加上运气好的同学。第二精听VOA,老托93篇都说精听是提分路上的好助手,相信每个人都会这么做,但是你做对了吗?有的同学听完一次,写下来,最后对一下原文就算完事了。其实在只做了一半,根本没有完成。比较好的方式是先听一次,但不写下来,尽量用短期记忆力记下来,然后自己复述一下。然后听第二次的时候,这是才尽可能的写下听到的句子。写完后与原文比较,看看写错或写漏了那个单词,最后再听一次句子并跟读一次。尽量模仿原文的发音,语速和连读。这份经验帖是不是很短小精悍呢,主要是说多了怕大家难以消化啦,希望对大家有所帮助。转自搜狐教育PTE作为纯机考考试,首先要对PTE有一定的了解,要知道具体的PTE报名流程、考试事项、考试题型以及特点。关于PTE考试题型,一共有听说读写四科。口语部分有5种题型,出题顺序为Read aloud,Repeat sentence,Describe image,Re-tell lecture,Answer Short Question ,并且使用总体计时,答题时间一般为30-35分钟。写作部分有2种题型,出题的顺序为Summarize written text(小作文), Write essay(大作文),总时长为50或60分钟;阅读部分有5种题型,随机出题,分别为Single-answer choice,Multiple-answer choice,Re-order,Reading: Fill in blanks, Reading&writing: Fill in blanks,阅读部分也采用总体计时,答题时间一般为33-41分钟;听力部分有8种题型,但是先考Summarize spoken text题型,每道题10分钟,独立计时,而剩下的题型随机出题,答题时间一般为23-28分钟。如果想深度了解PTE考试,可以去下载Official Guide、 Tests Plus、Test Builder这三本PTE的官方资料作为参考,了解必要的题型。其次就是自身的英语基础,可以通过之前的各种英语考试的成绩和单词量的检测来判断自己哪方面比较薄弱,然后进行加强提高。而且PTE考试首要的练习资料就是机经,目前来说,机经还是非常重要的,因为PTE考试从出现到现在时间是非常短的,题库范围不大,机经的命中率较高。学习大量的机经有助于提高自身的考试应试能力。而且口语和写作的部分模板也是非常重要的,因为PTE是纯机考的,机器在阅卷的时候是无法判断文章的逻辑性和中心思想,能够判定的只是你的语法和词汇的正确性,所以直接套模板也是一种很好的方法。因此PTE口语和写作方面还是比较容易拿分的。最后,如果想要短时间内提高成绩,就要不停地努力和练习。当然也可以通过报名班课进行学习,因为在老师的指导下会节省大量的时间。PTE在线学院为各位考生提供海量的PTE考试资讯和资料。想了解更多请咨询PTE在线学院小助手(微信号:kewo-pte)
假如a列为总评在b1中输入公式=if(a1="A",3,if(a1="B",2,if(a1="C",1,0)))下拉公式即可优秀,合格等方法同样,将公式中的A替换为优秀…。比如在C列中放入了考评等级,就像 A B C D张三 男 合格 李四 男 优秀王五 男 合格D列里面是得分,那么在D1中写入如下函数:=IF(C1="合格",2,IF(C1="优秀",3,0))函数的意义就是,如果单元格C1中的值为合格,那么D1中的值为2,如果C1为优秀,那么D1的值为3,如果两者都不是,就为0。不过你需要注意的是,在office 2003中,只支持7层以内的if嵌套,2007则可以支持到64层的嵌套。另外,一定要保证C1单元格中只有 “合格”或者“优秀”几个字,而没有空格等其他字符。在填写完D1中的函数以后,使用自动填充,也就是俗称“拖”,把D列的单元填充为相同的函数即可。填充完以后,如果需要删除C列原有的内容,那么请先选择D列,右键->复制,然后再右键->选择性粘贴->数值,确定即可。比如在C列中放入了考评等级,就像 A B C D张三 男 合格 李四 男 优秀王五 男 合格D列里面是得分,那么在D1中写入如下函数:=IF(C1="合格",2,IF(C1="优秀",3,0))函数的意义就是,如果单元格C1中的值为合格,那么D1中的值为2,如果C1为优秀,那么D1的值为3,如果两者都不是,就为0。不过你需要注意的是,在office 2003中,只支持7层以内的if嵌套,2007则可以支持到64层的嵌套。另外,一定要保证C1单元格中只有 “合格”或者“优秀”几个字,而没有空格等其他字符