对,,比较常用于介绍翻译上。。。。如。。Learn More About the Oscar Peterson "Note-for-Note" Transcriptions Book你好!it means follow the music如有疑问,请追问。
file receving acknowledged noteoracknowleged note for file recevingAffirmance我们公司一直用这个词作为确认单的英文名称文件签收单:note for signing in documents"文件签收单"翻译结果:"file to sign for the single"
"Leave a note for sb."译文Leave a note for sbleave a note 给某人 要加个to后面Leave a note to sb如:我本来想留张便条。I was going to leave a note.翻译:leave a message to sb"Leave a note to sb"
lynn today, headache, feeling good, her mother took her to a doctor, her doctor to rest at home and can not come to the school病假条 note for sick leave 事假条 leave of absence 请假条 permission for leave;ask for a casual leave;asking for leave 准假证明 leave certificate