连续技combo相关短语:终极连续技大师 Ultra Combo Master相关例句:我不是很确定如果其他人看到是否认为会是连续技,不过,肯定的,使用的不止一个技能。I am not sure if they are considered combos, but, definitely, more than one skillwas used.
扔手雷 fire in the hole 暴头 headshot! 2杀:double kill 双连杀 ! 3杀:Multi Kill 多连杀 ! 4杀:occur kill 突然杀 ! 5杀:unbreakable 无可战胜! 6杀:unbelievable 难以至信的 ! 7杀:you wanna piece me?你想修理我吗 ! 8杀:come get some 来 继续努力!
Game Help
操作方法: How: 有三种不同的操作模式,你可以在“OPTIONS”选择其中一种 There are three different modes of operation, you can "OPTIONS" select one
1 虚拟摇杆你可以触摸屏幕上的虚拟摇杆区域,通过手指的运动来控制飞机 A virtual joystick you can touch the screen virtual joystick area, through the finger movements to control the aircraft 2 点击屏幕(用手指在屏幕上拖动) 2 Click the screen (the screen with a finger drag) 你可以用手指点击屏幕上的任意区域,飞机会跟随你所触摸的位置移动 You can click on the screen with a finger to any area, aircraft will follow the location of your touch mobile 3 水平倾斜你可以通过倾斜屏幕的水平度来控制飞机 3 level inclination you can tilt the screen to control the aircraft and the level of degree
这行吗?用有道词典 翻译
您好,我是穿越火线帮助团成员清清,很高兴能为您解答疑难问题!爆头:head shot
两连杀:double kill
三连杀:monster kill
四连杀:ouage kill
七连杀:you wanna piece me
八连杀:come get some
手雷:fire in the hole!
闪光弹:Flash gerande!
C4在A区:the bomb is plant it at A side
C4在B区:the bomb is plant it at B side
收到 roger that
不可以 negative
有敌情 anemy site
发现C4 bombs on the ground here
此区域安全 sector clear
漂亮 nice shoot/good job
奋发图强 keep going and stay strong team
跟着我 follow me
掩护我 cover me
先锋人员请等待 ....waiting for...
防守 hold position
全队集合 stick together team
突破 storm the front 暴头 嘿啊塞的双连杀 大波Q三连杀 谬TQ四连杀 哦吹Q五连杀 啊份儿里哇啵六连杀 俺卜里发啵七连杀 U 王那啊劈死哦夫米
八连杀 康母给心
望采纳暴头 HEAD SHOT head shot 用来爆头的枪
双连杀 DOUBLE KILL double kill 双杀
三连杀 MULTI KILL multi kll 三杀
四连杀 OUAGE KILL ouage kill 四杀
五连杀 UNBREAKBLE unbreakble 五杀
六连杀 UNBELIEVABLE unbelievable 六杀
七连杀 YOU WANNA A PIECE OF ME? you wanna a piece of me? 七杀
八连杀 COME GET SOME come get some 八杀
雷炸死 YEAH!!! yeah!!! 很高兴的样子 /没中文
刀砍死 HA~HA~HA~ ha ha ha 哈哈哈1 Head shot
2 Double kill
3 Multi kill
4 Occur kill
5 Unbreakable/Unbelievable
6 You wanna piece of me?
7 Is that all?
8 Come and get some. 我用的是猎狐者的 。 男角色的应该有些不同。男版
② Double Kill (双连杀)
③ Multi Kill (多连杀)
④ Occur Kill (突然杀)
⑤ Unbreakable (牢不可破的)
⑥ Unbelievable (难以至信的)
⑦ You wanna a piece of me (你想修理我吗)
⑧ Come get some (来吧,拿些东西?)
★ Head Shot (爆头)
刀杀 Haha (潜伏者)
Hahahaha (保卫者)
炸死 Yeah (潜伏者)
Yes (保卫者)
② Double Kill
③ Multi Kill
④ Occur Kill
⑤ Unbreakable (潜伏者)
Unbelievable (保卫者)
⑥ Bring it on (潜伏者)
Wallow more come (保卫者)[可能有误]
⑦ Is that all (潜伏者)
You wanna a piece of me (保卫者)
⑧ Come and get some (潜伏者)
This is awesome (保卫者)[应该是这个]
★ Head Shot