993游戏赢了金币换人民币通胜坊微?号"【HYCCL8】"收(shou):银子+金币,选择她没错,挺有安全感,速度快,态度又好。First find 4 people who have the same desire for gold as you.Second. Buy a day of double gold card.Five. Third people play the team to fight the battle.The opening of a direct push five Baotuan.If well matched.8 minutes a bureau.A board 50+ of gold coins. Absolutely no faster than this speed.A good combination of the hero is too much.I often use: Mo Na + cannon (male gun also) + tau + gem + Anne.Make sure there are three clear and two treatments, and then 5.Keep the computer is about to faint gem die.The soldier. The gem of infinity unlimited milk milk hero.Clear surgery is good for use. After coming home, the supplies are sent to fly over.The flank of the computer is not back.I usually break the base for no more than 8 minutes.One day down.1 million gold leverage.在拍卖行的菜单里有一个金币寄售。在左边选择1百万2百万……一口价,用点卷购买.左侧下方有寄售金币,就像拍卖物品一样,