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咕噜的谜语一 What has roots as nobody sees,Is taller than trees,Up, up it goes,And yet never grows? 什么有脚却无人知晓,高大胜过树木,耸立直入云霄,却永远不会长高 咕噜的谜语二 Voiceless it cries,Wingless flutters,Toothless bites,Mouthless mutters 无嘴却会哭,无翼却会飞,无牙却会刺,无嗓却会呢喃 咕噜的谜语三 This thing all things devours:Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;Gnaws iron, bites steel;Grinds hard stones to meal;Slays king, ruins town,And beats high mountain down 它会吞食一切,虫鱼鸟兽花草树木;咬破生铁,蚀穿金钢;将岩石化成飞灰;杀死国王,屠灭城镇,沧海化桑田,高山成平原。