

deep town攻略61,求内容意思详解




Remote hoped that Mr. the body turns over to indefinite, north and south sends lovesickness, reads recalls the deep place to be inexhaustible, cup of deep sorrows hoped that spring comes .


2,2011年4月17日英语国家概况试题和答案 我想对下答案

AADCA CCBAA AADDD BBCDC CBBCD DDBDD CDBCA ADBAC CADCC CDCDD1复活节; 2.爱得华也叫什么 3.苏格兰的大学有哪些; 4.中外的关系是什么给影响了 5.林肯的话是什么; 6.举例说说偏执主义 7.什么大学要学五年 8. 什么的传统表示什么(真的不知道是问什么) 9.澳大利亚的头是什么 10 好像是什么澳大利亚没有森林是什么给影响了的 有谁知道上面的8和10究竟是问的什么?? the regret edward... 有意思。 有绰号的国王我就记得一个Alfred大帝,红脸William?,还有一个什么软弱无能的一个什么。。 上选择了。 写出这些是打算回头看看我能错上15个不。现在一看,错15个还多,我铁定回天乏术。。不及格了。。50分吧。 5 wars of roses谁提出的*walter Scott*R 7 *内战*结束了封建制度,进入现代历史。W 8 君主立宪制可追溯到*9世纪*W 10 *内阁*不是一个constitutional...题面都没抄全,选项还有一个是女or国王,一个是上院,一个下院。这三个我一起见过,所以选的cabinet.. ? 13 only *England* are police offcer allowed to carry firearms for personal protection... 这题也?。。选项还有ireland scotland wales没查到 ? 14 英国*80%*的医疗处方么prescription项目是免费的 蒙的真准哈哈。。。R 16 全日制第一学位大学课程要念*3*年 R 17*the Times* 是quality newspaper W 18 the home of golf *scotland* R 19 英国部长由*the prime minister* 提名 R 20 *chamberlain* 绥靖政策 R 21 美国移民14。8% 是在*western* W 22 baby boom *1946-64* R 23 1607 第一批殖民地是james town *Virginia* R 24 美国花15million 买了*louisiana*后领土扩大了一倍 W 25 南方脱离后建立了一个新的nation。。这里该叫什么*the confederate sates of america* R 26 *第13 条修正案*禁止奴隶制 W 28 Big four *美英法意*这题去年好象出过。。W 31 古巴导弹 *kennedy* W 32 美国代替了*法国*参加越战 R 33 修正案要由*3/4*的州通过才能生效 W 34 *副总统*是上院的president这个叫什么行政长官么。。 W 35 18 世纪最后几年是党派系统的*第一时期* R 37 公立学校的税收经费来自*各州和地方* R 38 高等教育开始于1636*哈佛大学*建立*W 39 rip van winkle 出自*the sketch book* R 41 爱尔兰低地 *different landscaps from place to place* R 42 爱尔兰的气候 *a lot of rainfall* R 43 爱尔兰是一个*independent and sovereign state* ? 44 不冻港*vancouver* R 45 natives of canada *the canadian indians and inuit* 没查到? 46 *新南威尔士*的首府是悉尼 R 47 澳大利亚西部1/4 国民收入来自*矿产出口* R 49 newzeland 常年green是因为*本地的树木是长绿植物native trees are ever greens* W 50 毛利人因为*在二战中获得了一些技能*而去城市某生 W 这是我的个人答案。 除了打问号的10,13,43,45没从课文里找到。其它应该没什么问题。19,31,34如果按删减的大纲来念,是超的。。所以。。。我很不幸。。 2011-04-22 00:56 敢于面对:2011年4月国家概况试题一句话简答题答案 51. On which day does Easter fall? Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after March, 21. [P151-3+P353] 52. What are the four Scottish universities established in the 14th and 15th centuries? [P158-BL4] St Andrew, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. 53. What kinds of courses require five-year study in British universities? [P159-3] Medical and veterinary courses 54. What was King Edward (1042-1066) known as? [P24] King Edward was known as Edward the Confessor. 55. Give an example to illustrate the highly aggressive and intolerant nationalism in 1919 and 1920 in the United States. [P257] Red Scare in 1919 and 1920; the death sentence of Sacco and Vanzetti; the revival and growth of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). [三个中任选一个即可] 56. What was the key problem that affected the progress in U.S.-China relations from 1972 to 1979? [P277-bL10] Taiwan Problem 57. What are the most memorable words Lincoln said in a short speech on the occasion of dedicating the national cemetery at Gettysburg in 1863? [P248-bL5] “ that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” 58. What is the American tradition of laissez faire? ???? 59. What explains the absence of large forests in Australia? [P421-b2] The climate in Australia is hot and dry. 60. Who is the head of the Australian government? [P] 此题超纲 Prime Minister 61. Industrial Revolution 【P66-2】 62. Bank Holiday 【P153-3】 63. Amerigo Vespucci 【P236-2】 64. Research universities 【P320-b1】

2011年4月17日英语国家概况试题和答案 我想对下答案





阿卜杜拉是镇上最有钱的人,但是很小气,从不帮助,穷人。  有一天他挖了一个洞在附近的地面,以及3块金钱。他肯定没有人会找到它的。不久,然而,这座城镇是谈论阿卜杜拉参观闲置的好。下次他去那里,洞是空的。他开始哭泣,并吸引了很多人。  最后一位邻居进前来对他说:“别哭了。“你想要你的钱吗?只要拿起一块石头,把它扔进洞里。4这是钱装你丢了。" "你怎么取笑我这样说的?”举行的招待会。“我不怎么取笑你,朋友!”说,聪明的邻居。“你怎么用这笔钱时,它就在这里吗?你们做了什么好事的钱吗?绝不可能!你可以做的相同的一块石头。”

5,deep frezee的使用方法

DEEP目前有两个版本,一个是98版,另外一个是XP/2K版本的。这个软件的全名是DEEPFREEZE,是一款类似于还原精灵的还原软件。具体的使用方法是这样的,DEEP是一个程序,直接运行之后,出来一个对话框,选择保护哪一个盘符,不保护的盘符,将对钩打掉。然后直接安装后,系统会重新启动。 重新启动后,直接进去设置系统的密码,设置后,有三项,第一项是保护,第二项是启动几次后保护,第三项是不保护。一切设置好之后,要修改保护的设置,请按CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F6就可以出来对话框。 卸载的方法比较特别:直接在CMD的窗口运行deepfreeze /uninstall就可以了,然后机器会重新启动的。注意,deepfreeze就是这个程序的安装程序。


http://www.koudai8.com/index/Article/yxmj/200502/91.html 这个就地图哇···-0- 冲浪术在沙湖乐园最深处一小屋里··
給你地址,比圖詳細在9樓 http://www.kdtown.com/viewthread.php?tid=6326&highlight=
进去后,往右走(--->).进去了一个区,是吧. 然后再往右走到楼梯下(--->).然后上去,往左走(<---).下楼梯. 往上走,然后再往右走(--->).见到下面是水,右边是房了吧. 往上走后,往左走(<---). 又到了一个区.直接往左走(<---).然后往上,这里有很多水池吧. 然后再往左.(<---).然后往下直走. 又到了一个区.往左走(<---).看见了一间房,进去拿冲浪. 出了房,用冲浪术到对面. 然后往右(--->).上了个楼梯后,再往右,下楼梯.再走一点就看到了假牙.


midneal cretunevernever thought I meet someonesomeone who could make me smilenever thought I meet someonesomeone who could bright (all) my daysthe day I imagine ,I could see my dream come trueI know i can let it gothis opportunity of loving younever find this waydon`t know what to saysth. hurts deep town here in my heartnever been the scenewhere you come my waysth. gather me with you will never parteverytime I think about youyou just make my whole,I feel so bran-neweverytime I dream about youyou always by my sidepromise me you`ve said,always be with mewe`ll be as happy as we can bepromise me you`ve said,always by my sideno matter what it takes to benever thought I meet someonesomeone who could made me livenever thought I have someonesomeone who always be there for methe day I find youI knew you are the one for meI never let you goNo want you take love away from menever find this waydon`t know what to saysth. hurts deep town here in my heartnever been to saywhere you come my waysth. gather me with you will never parteverytime I think about youyou just make my whole ,I feel so bran-neweverytime I dream about youyou are always by my sidepromise me you`ve said,always be with mewe`ll be as happy as we can bepromise me you`ve said,always by my sideno matter what it takes to be
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