

sanguos,英语作文my first english class



1,英语作文my first english class

My First Day in My New Class  This is my first day in a new class.Everything is new for me.Im so excited about my new life.I cant wait to meet my new teachers and make some more new friends.I feel Im growing up.  This is a new start of my life.Im much closer to the college now because now I am grade two at senior high school.This is also a very important step of my life.I hope everything will be OK.I I hope I will have a wonderful future from now on.I have seen all my new classmates.We are all the top students from different class.But now we are all in the same classroom.I think we will be a best team.I know I will have another big challenge.But,Im ready.
my first english classthis morning i had my first english class. i was very excited before it. i could not help wondering what the new english teacher was like and how the class would be going. a young teacher came into the classroom. he was smiling at us. oh, how handsome he was! "good morning, boys and girls. i am your english teacher. my surname is lin. you may call me mr. lin or cat lin." he introduced himself in chinese and then repeated it in english. we all laughed. "why are you called cat lin?" we were curiuos. "it is a secret." mr. lin blinked his eyes, " but i will discover it later, if you go all out for english learning. " "ok!" "good! we will work hard." we replied loudly.the mr. lin taught us the alphabet, that is ,the 26 english letters. as most of us had learnt them before, he told us to pay attention to some pronuncaitaions. we played games with the letters, and sang songs.before we could realize it, the first class was over. i was very happy and excited because i began to love english, and i like our english teacher!

英语作文my first english class


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一、三国杀四大身份介绍1、主公获胜条件:消灭所有反贼和内奸。技巧:以自己生存为首要目标,分散反贼注意力。配合忠内剿灭反贼并判断谁是忠谁是内奸。2、忠臣获胜条件:保护主公存活的前提下消灭所有反贼和内奸。技巧:忠臣是主公的屏障,威慑反贼和内奸的天平。3、反贼获胜条件:消灭主公即可获胜。技巧:反贼作为数量最多的身份,需要集中火力猛攻敌人弱点。正确的思路是获胜的关键。4、内奸获胜条件:先消灭反贼和忠臣,最后与主公单挑成为最后唯一生还者。技巧:正确的战术、冷静的头脑、运气。二、三国杀游戏流程1、开局随机分配4 大身份。除主公外,其他忠臣、反贼和内奸身份暗置,靠玩家表现来体现身份。隐藏自己,寻找同伴都需要经验累积。(例如一心想消灭主公和忠臣的反贼,保护主公的忠臣,想消灭所有人的内奸)2、三国杀中一个武将的每一个回合都分6个阶段:回合开始阶段、判定阶段、摸牌阶段、出牌阶段、弃牌阶段,回合结束阶段。开局每人四张手牌,从主公开始逆时针顺序出牌,每个人在摸牌阶段可以从牌堆摸2张手牌。


4,My first English class in college

My first English class in collegeAlthough the students often complained during the training, they didnt like to say goodbye to each other when it was time to say goodbye to the military training and their beloved drillmasters. “I really dont want to go! We will truly start our college life tomorrow. That is a happy thing. I must take a photo with my drillmaster to remember the experience.” So the younger school-brothers and school-sisters began looking for the drillmasters. Military training is such an unforgettable experience; its a memory worthy of treasuring for ever. Going through the military training, we learned to be quiet, to think, to be calm and peaceful. We dont want to dream of what will come tomorrow. The important thing is to live each day well. So I am looking for a new sun. I believe the future scenery must be beautiful.
my first english classthis morning i had my first english class. i was very excited before it. i could not help wondering what the new english teacher was like and how the class would be going. a young teacher came into the classroom. he was smiling at us. oh, how handsome he was! "good morning, boys and girls. i am your english teacher. my surname is lin. you may call me mr. lin or cat lin." he introduced himself in chinese and then repeated it in english. we all laughed. "why are you called cat lin?" we were curiuos. "it is a secret." mr. lin blinked his eyes, " but i will discover it later, if you go all out for english learning. " "ok!" "good! we will work hard." we replied loudly.the mr. lin taught us the alphabet, that is ,the 26 english letters. as most of us had learnt them before, he told us to pay attention to some pronuncaitaions. we played games with the letters, and sang songs.before we could realize it, the first class was over. i was very happy and excited because i began to love english, and i like our english teacher!
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