1.边境牧羊犬(Border Collie)2.贵宾犬(Poodle)3.德国牧羊犬(German Shepherd Dog) 4.金毛猎犬(Golden Retriever) 5.杜宾犬(Doberman Pinscher) 6.喜乐蒂犬(Shetland Sheepdog) 7.拉布拉多猎犬(Labrador Retriever) 8.蝴蝶犬(Papillon) 9.洛威拿(Rottweiler) 10.澳洲牧牛犬(Australian Cattle Dog)
1.猛犬霸主中国藏獒2.俄罗斯高加索3.意大利扭玻利顿4.巴西非勒5.法国波尔多(Dogue de Bordeaux)6.阿根廷杜高(Dogo Argentina)7.中亚牧羊犬8.西班牙加纳利犬9.怪异杀手牛头梗10.无声斗犬日本土佐
1.比特犬(美国斗牛梗)2.土佐犬 3.阿根廷杜高 4.高加索犬 5.西藏獒6.巴西獒 7.意大利护卫犬 8.罗威那犬 9.纽波利顿 10.西班牙斗牛梗
国际犬业联盟(Federation Cynologique International)08年公布(世界上猛犬):
2. 土佐犬
10.西班牙斗牛梗Dogs that can fight... (可以用于打斗的犬类)
First Class(第一等)
- American Pit Bull Terrier(美国比特) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(此犬是完全用于打斗的犬)
- Tosa Inu (土佐)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (此犬是用于打斗的犬)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be First Class?(最有潜力成为第一等斗犬的狗?)
Between First Class and Second Class (在第一等和第二等之间的犬种)
- Dogo Argentino(阿根廷杜高) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Extraordinary Fighting Capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力)
- Presa Canario(加纳利) (True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的狗)
Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the First Class...(很少机会或无法与第一等抗衡的狗)
Second Class(第二等)
- American Bandogge(美国班道戈獒) (APBT/Neo cross) (Guardian(看护犬) w/ fighting capabilities(有打斗能力))
- English Bull Terrier(英国牛斗梗) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬类)
- American Staffordshire Terrier(美国斯塔福) (Show Dog(展示犬)/True Bred Fighting Dog)(用于打斗的犬)
- American Bulldog(美牛) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬)/Bull Baiting(斗牛)/The Foundation For Most Of The True Bred Fighting Dogs)(用语打斗的犬)
- Bully Kutta( 巴基司坦酷达犬)(True Bred Fighting Dog) (用于打斗的犬)
- Fila Brasileiro(巴西非勒) (Hunting Dog(狩猎犬) w/ Fighting Capabilities)(有打斗能力)
- Gul Dong(古梗) (Gull Terr) (True Bred Fighting Dog(用于打斗的犬))
- Indian Bull Terrier(印度牛斗梗) (True Bred Fighting Dog) (用语打斗的犬)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Second Class?(最有潜力成为第二等的犬?)
Between Second Class and Third Class(在第二等和第三等之间的犬)
- Neapolitan Mastiff (纽波利顿獒)(Guard Dog) (看护犬)
- Mallorquin Bulldog (Ca De Bou) (马洛昆斗牛)(Guard Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护/打斗)
Dogs that have little or no chance of beating the Second Class...(有很小可能或者无法打败第二等的犬)
Third Class(第三等)
- Caucasian Ovtcharka(俄罗斯高加索) (Sheepdog(牧羊) w/ Extraordinary Fighting capabilities(不寻常的打斗能力))
- Cane Corso Italiano( 卡斯罗)(Hunting Dog/Guardian Dog) (狩猎/看护)
- Spanish Bulldog(西班牙牛斗), and Spanish Alano (西班牙阿来诺)(could be 2 breeds, or could be 1) (可以划分为2类犬,或一类)
- Dogue De Bordeaux(波尔多) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog) (看护/打斗)
- Guatemalan Bull Terrier(瓜地麻拉牛斗梗) (Guardian Dog)(看护犬)
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier (斯塔福牛斗梗)(True Bred Fight Dog)(纯打斗犬)
- Akita Inu(日本秋田) (Fighting Dog/Guardian Dog/Hunting Dog) (打斗/看护/狩猎)
Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Third Class?(最有潜力成为第三等的犬?)
Between Third Class and Fourth Class (在第三等和第四等之间)
- Bullmastiff (斗牛獒)(Guard Dog)(看护犬)
- Alaskan Malamute阿拉斯加犬) (Work Dog w/ Fighting Instincts) (工作犬/有打架的天性)
And finally dogs that have no chance or little of beating the third class, but can still hold their own...(最后是一些无法与第三等犬抗衡的犬,但是至少可以自卫)
The fourth class (第四等)
- German Shepherd(德国黑背) (Sheepdog(牧羊犬) w/ extraordinary protection capabilities)(不寻常的保护能力)
- Doberman Pinscher(德国杜宾犬) (Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的看护能力)
- Rottweiler (罗威纳犬)(Guardian Dog w/ extraordinary protection capabilities) (看护犬/不寻常的保护能力)
- Shar Pei(沙皮) (Guardian Dog/Fighting Dog)(看护犬/打斗犬)
- Wolf Hybrids(狼狗) (Extraordinary Fighting/Protection Instinct) (不寻常的打斗能力/保护天性)
- Tibetan Mastiff,(藏獒) ( including the Boerboel and others(包括南非獒等)) (Guardian Dogs (看护犬)w/ Extraordinary Size To Aid Them If They Were To Fight) (如果参与打斗,他们的体积将是最有利的先天条件)