

welearn,We learnEnglish for more than two years


1,We learnEnglish for more than two years

have learnt for more than two years是现在完成时的标志

welearn,We learnEnglish for more than two years



welearn,We learnEnglish for more than two years

3,we about中learn是谓语还是learn

我们可以迅速的获得一些东西,我们一拨打110,119或者120 如果我们需要帮助. 望楼主可以采纳:-)

welearn,We learnEnglish for more than two years


英语是世界各国交流的基本工具 它可以促进世界和平 加深各国的友谊和交流
学好英语走世界。多练 不断的练 改一下学英语的办法: 找几张容易简单的英语DVD或者是英语CD 攻下来。 一步一步来!《突破英语四百》:会唱一百首英语歌,听一百张英语CD,看一部英语DVD ,读一百部英语书。只有目标明确英语就不是问题。

5,we learn from other为什么要填each

答案是:one another ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
from:从each:每一个,每个other:他人,其他人each other:每一个人,包括自我from each other:从每一个人身上,也就是互相的意思,这里包括你自己。如果你不说each,这句话不带上each的话,意思就完全变了,We learn from other:我们只从别人身上学习(单向的行为),不是互相学习,不包括这一层意义。

6,in doingwe learn翻译成中文是什么意思

In doing we learn.实践长才干。 Art is long,but life is short.人生有限,学问无穷。 Rome was not built in a way. 罗马不是一天建成的/伟业非一日之功。 Example is better than precept.身教胜于言传。 Something unexpected may happen any time.天有不测风云。 Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 鸡蛋还未孵,先别数鸡雏;莫过早乐观。

7,题目为we learn more outside the classroom的英语作文

【要求】 We Learn More Outside the Classroom。根据你的个人角度,谈谈你对课堂内、课堂外的知识与实践的看法。 【范文】 We Learn more Outside the Classroom   I believe we learn more outside the classroom than we do inside. When we are talking with friends, listening to radio or watching TV, or reading a book which we love but is not required by our teachers, we are learning something that may be very important for our future life. In class, we can only learn how to learn. Just as the old saying go, we can not learn how to plant vegetables or how to make clothes just inside a classroom with its rows of desks and chairs and a blackboard. We have to practice what we learn outside of the classroom. We should not confine ourselves to the classroom. We should go out of the classroom, see the world and talk to others as much as we can. 【评语】 本文没有罗列事例进行长篇累述,从日常生活小情节入手,以事实说明,在今天这个社会里,学知识渠道的多样性,让人可以信服。作文并非文字堆砌,而在于说明道理,力求客观真实。
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