看完这篇短文,我有狠大的感触。这是一篇关于欲望带来的灾难的文章。因为猴爪有一定的魔力,但是那个士兵应该也告诉了怀特一家这个猴爪只能带来不好的不幸福的事情,但是因为能满足人们的欲望,怀特一家还是选择了留下猴爪,获得那些钱,结果他们得到了金钱却失去了儿子作为代价,他们的日子本来过的十分的幸福儿子也十分的宝贝,但是欲望毁了一切。我想还是平平凡凡的生活最好顺着自己的生活靠自己的奋斗去获得想要的生活,欲望是邪恶的不能满足的,但是奋斗却是存在的美好的! after reading this article , i am impressedby the content that the story told us. this story is about the misfortuneresulted from the huge desire of the white family.the little monkeys paw is magical ,butthe soldier must have told them that this monkeys paw could only bring people misfortune,because of the ability to satisfy peoples desire ,the white family chose tokeep this terrible thing for achieving money ,as a result , they achieved moneyas they desired, but they lost their lovely as the price . they might livehappily in the future , and they love their son so much ,but their desire destroyedeverything.i think the best way of life is goingwhit the fiow , we should create every wonderful things we want by ourselves. desire is evil and unsatisfied ,but hard-workingis existing and nice.如果你有任何疑问,请继续追问,如果你满意我的回答,请轻按满意回答,谢谢!