No broken mirror你好!应该这样翻译:
unbreakable mirror.
No broken mirror
Break is still there even if a broken mirror is placed as before.你好!一段已经被伤了的情感,就算再怎么尽力挽回,伤口依然不能泯灭、永远存在。Break is still there even if a broken mirror is placed as before.打字不易,采纳哦!
破镜能否重圆Can a broken mirror be jointed together again?有不会的可以再问我can a broken mirror be made whole again?如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听。希望能帮到您破镜难重圆,就是说有些事情一旦发生就很难变回原样,跟覆水难收是一个意思(泼出去的水很难收回来了)。在英语中,表达这个意思用的是:what is done cannot be undone
5,破镜能否重圆 用英语怎么说如题要标准的
破镜能否重圆?英语翻译:Would the broken mirror be joined together again?或者:Can the broken mirror be round again?重点词汇能否英文:would; whether…or not; can重圆英文:bicircular; reunion; und again破镜能否重圆英文:A broken mirror can.破镜重圆英文:a broken mirror joined together; reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture ;破镜能否重圆can a broken mirror be jointed together again?有不会的可以再问我
6,破镜重圆 英语翻译怎么说
本意:a broken mirror joined together
意译:reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture; reunion and reconciliationget back together. 美剧中就有 are you guys gonna get back together? 表达的就是这个意思。 Piecing the evidence together或者A broken mirror made whole again
Reconciled Lovereunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture破镜重圆 [pò jìng chóng yuán]
a broken mirror joined together
reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture(这第二句主要是解释)