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This is adapt to the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional secondary school biology class teaching mode of teaching the education can not adapt to the needs of informatization. Computer technology and multimedia technology, for the reform of the teaching mode of biology, provide a good platform, forming a new kind of multimedia teaching mode. Combined with the feature of rural school biology teaching of multimedia video resource for rural secondary school biology teaching can create good teaching environment, and provide video biology resource. Collect all kinds of video footage from cut and processing and application of microscopic shooting homemade equipment, digital camera, cell phone in the environment of biological shooting video teaching materials for biological video downloaded from the INTERNET, the resources, PPT video conversion for high-definition video coding and upload, studied the podcast website. 4shareed 15Gb successfully registered and established a network hard disk can upload and download the video footage of the seventh grade creatures. For rural secondary school biology offer free downloads of multimedia teaching methods, and the use of rural middle school teachers to solve the process of making multimedia courseware suitable video footage to find the problem. Video footage of video resource for research and development of all kinds of animal behavior, reproductive brood has very important significance to study the distribution of plants, etc, morphological characteristics, life is very important. Its job is to high school biology education methods for reference.
Keywords: biological hd video resource collection production processing, Video resource