middle school students should not be addicted to computer games, sitting beside the computer for a long time, not only damage eyesight, but also have radiation to the body, is not conducive to health. addicted to playing games if will delay learning, resulting in decreased performance, the learning efficiency is low. so i think students should not play computer games, should be browsing more beneficial to learn web page.I think that students should not be addicted to computer games.
我作为一个学生党,果断不玩网游啊,为什么? 太费钱,你有时候花了钱都不如别人,除非出重金,但作为学生党那是不可能的,所以建议你果断放弃网游吧。网游费钱制作又没有单机精良还不如玩单机呢,下面为你介绍一些很好玩的丧尸题材的沙盒游戏泰拉瑞亚 terraria星界边境 starbound我的世界 minecraft饥荒 dontstarve孤岛余生 The Island孤岛余生2 The Island: Castaway 2孤岛惊魂迷失森林 The Forest 七日杀 7 days to die僵尸战争 warz僵尸末日 dayz腐烂国度 Class 3 丧尸围城2 Dead Rising 2GTA系列cubeword都很好玩如果还不够的话那么请去百度贴吧沙盒游戏吧寻找更多如果我的回答对你有帮助,那么请采纳吧。你的一个采纳对我来说很重要,谢谢~穿越火线 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。不花钱且时间短?果断推荐手机网游《星海争霸》适合安卓塞班,全球PK,不比什么,就比智商…ps:这游戏老外玩的比较多龙之谷不错DNF,或者剑灵也不错,就是不知道你家电脑能不能玩玩玩网页游戏,就是有点卡,推荐几个:盛世三国,创世兵魂。