Composer1. Stealth Main Title 2. War Machine 3. EDIs Arrival 4. The Pilots Theme 5. The Joy of Flight 6. EDIs New Data 7. The Vertical Drop 8. Hellava 1st Mission 9. Lightning Strike 10. Thailand 11. Love Theme 12. Ill Tell You Back at the Boat 13. Quantum Computer 14. EDI is the Whole Idea 15. Flight to Tajikistan 16. Tin Man Will Prosecute 17. Attack at Tajikistan 18. Henrys Death 19. The Aftermath 20. Karas Ejection 21. Camel Hump 22. Korean Waterhole 23. Saving EDI 24. EDI Feels Sorry 25. Cummings Suicide 26. DMZ 27. Death of Col YunE 28. EDIs Sacrifice