黑色混凝土:black concrete混凝土是有16种染料颜色的固体方块。如果混凝土粉末与水或熔岩接触的话,它会固化成混凝土方块。降雨、炼药锅、喷溅型水瓶和颗粒不会影响混凝土粉末。混凝土明亮而纯净的色彩适合用于装饰用途。混凝土的颜色比染色的陶瓦更为浓厚,同时混凝土又不像羊毛一样易燃。在建筑材料方面,混凝土的硬度比石头稍高,但其爆炸抗性比石头低得多。扩展资料相关道具:1.混凝土粉末:Concrete Powder可以被手或任何工具开采,但是使用锹开采是最快的。混凝土粉末会在其下方是空气方块时落下。如果它落在玩家或生物之上,玩家或生物会被掩埋。2.染料:Dye是用于给羊毛、皮革盔甲、陶瓦、某些生物、旗帜、潜影盒、玻璃、混凝土粉末和床染色的物品。大部分染料能通过使用各种花、其他物品或其他染料合成获得。染料也可以像被驯服的狼一样用于驯服的豹猫或猫。在驯服的猫身上使用染料会改变其项圈的颜色。回答和翻译如下:我的世界黑色混凝土。My world black concrete.JE1.13以下/BE:concrete 15JE1.13:black_concrete电脑版/手机版水域更新之前:concrete 15水域更新之后:black_concrete在zhidaoBedrock Edition(就是基岩版)和1.13以前的Java Edition中,如果用指令的话,/give @s concrete 1 15(具体参考Minecraft Wiki),而版权1.13以后的Java Edition可以直接用/give @s black_concrete就行。the ties for the anchored bulkhead shown in figure 9-16 are located four feet from the top of the sheetpiling and are spaced at fifteen feet centers. the end of the tie is secured to two anchor piles raked as indicated. the active earth pressure may be assumed equivalent to a fluid pressure of 30 pounds per square foot per foot and passive pressure may be assumed equivalent to a fluid pressure of 400 pounds per square foot per foot.for the depth of penetration indicated, calculate the value of the total active pressure on the back of the wall, the value of the total passive pressure on the front of the wall, and the moment of all forces about the tie point. determine the forces in the tie, the maximum shear and the maximum moment in the wall, and the forces in the compression and tension anchor piles.the fill behind the retaining wall in figure 9-17 has a unit weight of 110 pounds per cubic foot with an equivalent fluid pressure of 30 pounds per square foot per foot. passive earth pressure may be assumed equivalent to a fluid pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot and the coefficient of friction at the underside of the base is 0.4. all concrete has a compressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch and reinforcement consists of grade 60 deformed bars. neglecting the effects of the shear key, determine the factor of safety against overturning and the bearing pressure distribution under the base. using factored loading, determine the reinforcement, calculate the minimum depth of the shear key to provide a factor of friction of1.5 against sliding.the mass concrete gravity dam shown in figure 9-18 is 20 feet high. determine the minimum base width if no tensile stresses are allowed in the concrete and the water level is at the top of the dam wall. details of a counterfort retaining wall are shown in figure 9-19. the fill behind the wall has an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pounds per square inch and reinforcement consists of grade 60 determined bars. determine the horizontal reinforcement required at the base of the stem in the front and earth faces, the reinforcement required at the base of the counterforts.determine the required penetration of the sheetpile retaining wall shown in figure 9-20 if active earth pressure may be assumed equivalent to a fluid pressure of 35 pounds per square foot per foot and passive pressure may be assumed equivalent to a fluid pressure of 450 pounds per square foot per foot. calculate the force in the tie and the location and magnitude of the maximum shear and the maximum moment in the shestpiling. 翻译:由于对土木工程方面没有研究,所以很多专业术语是靠goole差找和个人猜测,可能会不尽准确,甚至有所错误,但是本着学习的态度,我还是很认真地翻译了。我猜测,这可能是某本英文版建筑教材后面的习题吧?所以我用了习题的语气做的翻译。望对你有所帮助。图9-16所示的防水隔层定点的联结点位于板桩顶部4英尺处,且以15英尺为间隔居中隔开。联结点的末端被两个锚杆斜拉以保证安全。设松软土层的主动压力等同于30磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压,被动压力等同于400磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压。在必要灌注深度的条件下,求墙体背面主动压力总值,墙体正面被动压力总值,以及所有连接点的扭矩力。测定联结处所受的力,墙体的最大抗减承载力,最大瞬间扭矩力,和锚杆的压拉力。图9-17所示的挡土墙后填充物单位重量为110磅每立方英尺,具有约等于30磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压的压力。设被动土压约等于300磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压以及底部摩擦系数为0.4;所有混凝土抗压强度为3000磅每立方英寸并且由级别60的不规则钢筋加固;忽略剪切键。求底部填充物的抗破坏及承压安全系数。 用你所计算的系数,求加固强度,计算在抗滑动摩擦系数为1.5情况下,剪切键的最小深度。图9-18所示的的混凝土浇筑拱坝的高为20英尺。假设混凝土中不允许出现拉力、且水位高度刚好在大坝顶部,求其底宽的最小值。图9-19中给出了拱柱型挡土墙的具体数值,墙后填充物具有约等于40磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压的压力,且由级别60的不规则钢筋加固。求正面茎干底部以和地面水平加固要求、以及拱柱底部加固要求。求图9-20所示的板桩挡土墙的必要灌注深度。假设其中:主动土压约等于35磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压、被动压力约等于450磅每平方英尺每英尺的液压。计算板桩最大剪切和最小剪切情况下,接点处受的力,以及接点位置和数量