冒险地图开启了就取消不了了。只能暂离(就是保存楼层),直接退出游戏的话楼层会打乱并且能重刷。冒险进行中链接的主战的冈布尔,神器都是不能进价的。魔术是在空气中!的乐趣和“魔幻迷宫”的游戏,荣获儿童游戏2009年的,现在也可为iPhone , iPod Touch和iPad 。 现在,您可以把小魔法师与你无处不在! 缨,哎哟!小魔法师揉着眼睛疑惑。那是一堵墙?魔法师的学徒好奇和探索神奇的迷宫 - 寻找秘密符号。这是棘手 - 大魔术师捉弄小家伙现在又一遍。仿佛被施了魔法路径关闭,隐藏的走廊出现。 这个程序可以让你训练你的记忆,而你玩 - 在主场和客场。通过魔法迷宫帮他迷惑之旅的小魔法师和记忆正确的路径 - 你看,寻找神奇的符号,还真是不容易....... 与“当心”和“快点”你有两个模式,需要高度的集中,以及提供很多的乐趣。 Magic is in the air! The fun and games of “The Magic Labyrinth”, awarded children’s game of the year 2009, is now also available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Now you can take the little magician with you everywhere! Plonk, ouch! The little magician rubs his eyes puzzled. Is that a wall The magician’s apprentices are curious and explore the magic labyrinth – searching for the secret symbols. It’s tricky – the big magicians play tricks on the little ones now and again. As if by magic paths are closed and hidden corridors appear. This app lets you train your memory while you play – at home and away. Help the little magician on his confusing journey through the magic labyrinth and memorise the right paths.- you see, the search for the magic symbols really isn’t easy……. With “Watch out” and “Hurry up” you have two modes that demand a high level of concentration as well as providing lots of fun. Features: The original version of the Children’s Game of the Year 2009 Various game options and crazy add-ons Varying levels of difficulty Crack the highscore 2010 Schmidt Spiele GmbH.冒险者冈布奥:冒险系,开局必送,优先五星满证冒险者冈布奥评测:天赋介绍所有冈布奥在通关结算时,增加+10%/+20%/+30%/+40%/+50%积分(影响金币及经验奖励)专属技能迷宫中,每层8%/12%/16%/20%/24%率出现冈布奥村民,并标记其初始位置。冒险者冈布奥在与村民交谈后,可以获得各类援助。获取途径系统赠送实用性点评天赋评定★★,专属评定★★★★★,综合推荐★★★★★。天赋积分,由于目前排行榜没奖励,影响金币级经验奖励属于然并卵,因此给二星。专属是获得勇者冈布奥必备,且是雅典娜速刷超级基友,因此五星好评。搭配:雅典娜、海贼。雅典娜、海格力斯。男巫、海贼等。希望能够帮助到您,上蚂蚁游戏可了解更多游戏资讯,祝您游戏愉快,望采纳。对啊 我也是这个问题 你解决了吗冒险地图开启了就取消不了了。只能暂离(就是保存楼层),直接退出游戏的话楼层会打乱并且能重刷。冒险进行中链接的主战的冈布尔,神器都是不能进价的。锁定了就是