

company of heroes,买英雄连附赠的company of heroesnew steam version是什么怎么


1,买英雄连附赠的company of heroesnew steam version是什么怎么


company of heroes,买英雄连附赠的company of heroesnew steam version是什么怎么


把文件拖到——游戏所在磁盘——用户——admin——文档——my games ——company of heroes——mods——tuning,我这是正版的路径,盗版略有不同

company of heroes,买英雄连附赠的company of heroesnew steam version是什么怎么

3,在公司里他负责维护网站in charge of用英语怎样翻译

In the company, he is responsible for maintaining the web site.
In the company he in charge of website
He is in charge of websites in the company.

company of heroes,买英雄连附赠的company of heroesnew steam version是什么怎么



5,如何汉化Company of Heroes

在游戏库里点游戏右键-属性-语言 里可以选择,大概是这个如有疑问,请追问~如果有帮助,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~
如果只有company.of.heroes就是英雄连原版,如果是company.of.heroes:company of heroes opposing fronts就是官方出的第一部资料片《抵抗前线》,company.of.heroes:tales of valor则是第二部资料片《勇气传说》。楼主想玩的话建议去百度英雄连吧顶置帖里找资源,有本身就是汉化版的,安装什么的都有很详细。


英雄连官方本来就有中文版的,无需汉化包,当然。。如果您看不懂。。。。再去找简体汉化包吧 版本号可在游戏菜单界面最下面看到,目前最新版本是2.602 谢谢
如果只有Company.of.Heroes就是英雄连原版,如果是Company.of.Heroes:Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts就是官方出的第一部资料片《抵抗前线》,Company.of.Heroes:Tales of Valor则是第二部资料片《勇气传说》。楼主想玩的话建议去百度英雄连吧顶置帖里找资源,有本身就是汉化版的,安装什么的都有很详细。


《Company of Heroes》 使用了Relic公司的次世代‘Essence’引擎开发,并结合了‘Havok’物理引擎技术,所以游戏画面表现非常惊人,不管是细腻的战争场面、逼真的光影效果、细腻的人物与武器的3D模组、各种爆炸火光烟雾效果等,让《Company of Heroes》在看到的第一眼就使人眼睛一亮。而在《Company of Heroes》由游戏故事方面,整个《Company of Heroes》是以二次大战期间的欧陆战场为主轴,在单人模式中玩家可以从1944年的诺曼底登陆开始,玩家在游戏中扮演率领一支作战连队的指挥官,必须从诺曼地开始一路往北挺进,与顽强的纳粹德军展开激战,而且游戏中的战斗任务都是结合真实战役,让整个《Company of Heroes》游戏表现更丰富。另外《Company of Heroes》因为使用了‘Havok’物理引擎,所以游戏中的每个作战单位不但有更逼真的动态,甚至连游戏中的所有建筑物场景都是可以破坏的,所以玩家别以为只是把作战单位躲避到建筑物后方就不会受到伤害,因为建筑物一直受到攻击也是会损坏的,所以玩家必须更妥善的调度小队战略,并依照当时的地形地物随时调整战略,否则可是会吃大亏。在游戏的电脑AI方面,《Company of Heroes》的电脑AI非常聪明,当玩家下达作战指令时,电脑会依照玩家指令与当时战况而调整战略,甚至电脑AI还会彼此掩护以小组作战的方式攻击敌人,这在即时战略游戏中是少见的创举。而除了单人模式之外,《Company of Heroes》在多人模式中也支援2~8人进行局域网路网对战。


[hkey_local_machine\software\thq] [hkey_local_machine\software\thq\company of heroes]"cohproductkey"="3333-4444-1111-2222-ce13""cohinstallstate"="installed""cohtovproductkey"="0aa5-37b3-f914-4fd3-910a""cohofproductkey"="4825-03cf-668e-1765-fd43""cohofretailercontentkey"="4b9e-488d-b797"
新建个文本然后把以下的内容粘贴后另存为.reg双击Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\THQ] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\THQ\Company of Heroes] "InstallDir"="D:\\Company of Heroes\\" "ProductKey"="3438-fdf3-fd15-7fa6-94b7" "Version"="" @="" "GameExplorerInstanceID"=hex:e8,68,39,fb,71,5e,c2,41,a2,c2,76,5f,8f,09,dc,d0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\THQ\Company of Heroes\WIPaths] "LocaleIniFiles"="" "ProgramFilesCOHShortcut"="" "ProgramFilesUninstallShortcut"=""


汉译英 1、很抱歉,我方不能接受你方还盘,因为我方报给你方的价格是最实际的。P134 We are regretful that we just cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter-offer as the price we quoted is the most realistic. 2、一俟收到你方具体询价单,我方马上寄送样品并报最优惠价格。 As soon as we receive your specific enquiries we will send you samples and make you best offer. P98 P520 3、在大量订购前,我们想要你方产品的样本,以便熟悉你们货物的质地和工艺。P69 Before ordering in large quantities, we want your sample of products so that we can acquaint with the quality of material and standard of workmanship. 4、关于我们向你方订购的六百台蝴蝶牌缝纫机,我们已收到你方第5678号销售合同。P176 P534 We have received your S/C NO.5678 regarding 600 sets “BUTTERFLY” Sewing Machine we ordered from you. 5、第1986号合同项下货物现已备妥待装,请速开信用证。P228 The goods under S/C NO.1986 has been ready for quite some time. Please have the L/C opened with the least possible delay. 6、我们不妨在这里补充说明一下,由于需求量大,该盘有效期到十二月二十日截止。过期后我们无法再把货物保留着不出售。? We might as well add here that explain, due to high demand, the offer is valid to December the 20st, overdue we cannot longer retain goods do not sell. 7、兹就“东风”轮装来货物短重一事提出索赔。P327 We are lodging a claim on the shipment ex S/S “DONGFENG” for short weight (delivery)。 8、此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用证的有效期。 This L/C no extension possible is hereby remind you notice the term of validity of the L/C. 9、我们想通知贵公司,我们目前可供应你们各式各样的男式皮鞋。 We would like to inform your company we can supply you a wide range of men’s shoes . 10、我们以前曾说过,正是鉴于双方的长期友好关系,我们才能给你方这一照顾。P183 We have told you that we extended to you this accommodation in view of our friendly relations. 11、如你方以竞争性价格报盘,我们能在我方地区大批量销售化工产品。 If your offer is a competitive price ,we can sell a large number of chemical products in our place(area). 12、我方曾在十二月一日信中告知你方,我方愿向你方试订五十两飞鸽牌自行车。 We once told you in the letter on December the 1st ,we would like to order a trail order for 50 “Flying Pigeon” brand bicycles. 13、今在目的港的复验,发现“红星”轮装来的第CT7543的项下货物质量与合同不符。P327 After reinspection at the port of destination ,the quality of the goods shipped ex S/S “Read Star” contract NO.CT7543 was found not in compliance with the contract stipulations. 14、兹寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行车的小册子。 Have sent a copy of my company’s current brochure for export of bicycles. 15、保险费随保险的责任范围不同而异,如投保额外险,额外险费由买方负担。 Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance ,extra premium is for buyer’s account ,should additional risks be covered. 英译汉 1、In view of the fact, we have changed the packing to small wooden cases. 鉴于现实情况,我方已将包装改为小木箱。 2、It will be appreciated if you will immediately let us have your firm offer by ? time, preferably by cable. 我们将非常感激如果你方在?立刻报给我方实盘。最好是通过电报。 3、As there is no direct steamer to your port, please allow transshipment. 由于没有直达船到达你方港口,请允许转船。 4、Much to our regret, we cannot accept this claim as you have not covered the risk of leakage. 很遗憾,我方不能接受这一索赔。因为你们的保险没有包括“破碎险”。 5、If you don not accept our instructions, we might submit the matter to arbitration. 若你方不接受我方的建议,我方可能会把此事诉诸仲裁。 6、In compliance with your request, we are sending you under separate cover two copies of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. 为满足你方需要,现我方另邮寄两份中国的棉匹头。 7、As the manufactures are heavily committed, we can only promise to(you?) effect shipment in March. 由于生产商负担太重,我方只能许诺三月装运。 8、We return here with a copy of sales contract, duly countersigned by us. 我们寄回一份我方已及时会签的销售合同。 9、In absence of your definite instruction, we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practice. 由于缺乏你方的具体建议,我方将按惯例投保水渍险及战争险。
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