我也刚玩,说一下我自己琢磨的一点。 点快捷方式开游戏,出来画面是右面有几个军人围着篝火聊天,左边横排好几行英文字母,从上往下第一行,E开头的是 开始游戏。 第二行 L 开头的是 从存档游戏开始。第三行 S开头的 是困难模式 打你一枪就少很多血。再 往下我也在琢磨中!哈 W 前进 S后退 A往左走 D往右走 E开狙击枪望远镜,红外线枪望远镜。 ctrl蹲下 游戏中按F5存档,不行按F6,我的是F5。这个游戏好像不能自己存档,你得玩到哪赶紧存,不然就重新开始了。 游戏中若被打死,按F9,从哪死的从哪开始,得稍微等等。 esc键 退到游戏开头选项。 到时候屏幕上就显示了。你的注意 !游戏中要经常移动,因为敌人不定从哪个地方冒出来,还有手榴弹。 鼠标左键 射击 。 鼠标右键 跳跃。 中间滚轮来回转 切换武器。 摁下滚轮,打开望远镜。 我这个游戏下的时候就这样设置的,在多特下的。 希望对你有帮助。至于攻略吗,你自己百度就找得到。adolf hitler (20 april 1889 – 30 april 1945) was an austrian-born german politician and the leader of the national socialist german workers party (german: nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei, abbreviated nsdap), popularly known as the nazi party. he was the ruler of germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as chancellor from 1933 to 1945 and as head of state (führer und reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. a decorated veteran of world war i, hitler joined the nazi party in 1920 and became its leader in 1921. following his imprisonment after a failed coup in 1923, he gained support by promoting nationalism, antisemitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda. he was appointed chancellor in 1933, and quickly established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship. hitler pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing lebensraum ("living space") for germany, directing the resources of the state toward this goal. his rebuilt wehrmacht invaded poland in 1939, leading to the outbreak of world war ii in europe. within three years, germany and the axis powers occupied most of europe and large parts of africa, east and southeast asia and the pacific ocean. however, the allies gained the upper hand from 1942 onward and in 1945 allied armies invaded germany from all sides. his forces committed numerous atrocities during the war, including the systematic killing of as many as 17 million civilians including the genocide of an estimated six million jews, a crime known as the holocaust. during the final days of the war in 1945, hitler married his long-time mistress eva braun. less than 40 hours later, the two committed suicide.