





http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/11551015.html?fr=qrl 这个网页有讲。



还没有完结的 Band of Brothers(原创庚澈) http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=660424457&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%BE%A9%CF%A3&pn=0



Gorgeous stage lighting, he dances, sweat and especially at this point crystal clear, he is the person I most admire Han Geng绚烂的舞台灯光下,他在舞蹈,汗水在此刻格外晶莹剔透,他是我最敬佩的人韩庚。In the strange South Korea, a person hard work, he is the most powerful person; to achieve success is still modest, he is the most indifferent person, in order to be able to pay the mother of all, he is the most filial person he is my idol Han Geng Do you know the famous pop singer Han Geng ? He is really a handsome guy. He belongs to the famous idol group Super Junior . He is my favourite singer . 你知道有名的流行歌手韩庚吗?他真的是一个帅家伙。他属于Super Junior这个组合。他是我最喜欢的歌手。 As you know , he is handsome enough . And he loves singing and dancing very much . He can dance 56 kinds of dances . And he also can act in the movie and played very well . He said that he loved the stage very much and he loves his fans very much . 正如你所知道的,他足够的英俊。并且他非常喜欢唱歌跳舞。他可以跳56种舞蹈。并且他在戏剧中也表演的非常好。他说他爱舞台也爱他的歌迷们。 He is really a kind guy . Everyone knows him will say so . His best friend is called Kim Heechul . Who also belongs to the Super Junior . They are best friends . 他真的是一个和爱的人。每一个认识他的都会这么说。他最好的朋友是金希澈。金希澈也属于Super Junior这个组合。他们是非常好的朋友。 Han Geng was born on Feb 9th ,1984 . He is 181cm . And he is 63kg . He can dance , sing , act and a little Kongfu . 韩庚出生于1984年2月9日。他有181cm,63kg。他会唱歌,跳舞,表演和一点点功夫。 He is such a good guy that makes me fall in love with him . 他是一个非常好的家伙使我深深陷入他。



恩…基范还有正模我们三人兜完风回来了 听着让人伤感的歌…… 刚进来后就在网站上打了金希澈这个名字 虽然会觉得很可笑….我从来没有搜索过自己的名字…几乎… 怎么说呢…也觉得有点不好意思…除了上游戏网站几乎不打开网站… 而且觉得ripple(回帖)那样的不念为好…. 或许是在刚出道的时候包括家人,听了太多对我的怨声…(-┏) 之后 有4年吗?4年多了… 现在才来看大家回的帖 关于我的事…关联词…新的语句…奇怪的帖… 进去看了一下Blog…连我都不知道的我的照片…我的事… 我感觉到…原来大家是那么爱我呀… 连说句谢谢都难…听了也觉得不好意思的我… 虽然有点不好意思…? 原来真的都很喜欢我啊…我心想 我还用别人的ID进各种Café看了看 我的ID整天换密码…所以很难注册… 让我感到伤心的是,当换了新手机号时,24小时之内必定所有人都知道… 反正各种各样的Café都逛了一圈,看完后觉得 原来不喜欢我的人也很多呀…我心想????? 我从小就是个好与不好分的很明确的小孩…有点好笑… 这么大了还是一样啊 由于今天没有精神…无力得看了关于我的帖… 也有很多让人皱起眉头帖 虽然是说我不好的帖,不过也有比较sense的帖?? ########################### << 这个???????????? 也有很创意性的昵称,也有语言达人…?? 就算这样不代表我喜欢(-┏)虽然不高兴不过很好笑?? 我说对就对… 我说不对就不对…你也就这么认为吗?^-^ 把Fan Café 跟ANT Café同时打开,互相来回看… 在觉得好与不好之前 ,使我想到了一个事 原来人活着是这么幸福的事啊.. 为什么呢…不是有那种…就算只有呼吸也觉得很幸福时刻.. 好想自己去旅游啊…去有山有水的地方… 偶尔看着天空中漂浮的云彩,有发呆的时候 盯着时钟上的秒针的时候也有…最近经常这样 再也没有往CY里上传的照片…也很久没自拍… 随时更换的密码…还有黑客…曾想过要关闭CY… 我偶尔跟我的Fans们聊时,也常聊这样的话题 虽然都能想到…她们绝对不让我关(-┏) 儿时的朋友结婚的结婚…还有可爱的孩子… 我现在已经开始被人叫叔叔了 ^-^ 我最后会跟谁结婚呢..,能结婚吗.. 不知从何时开始想要去爱的感觉变得很模糊 激动…期待…心寒…等感觉已消失.. 不喜欢人多的场所,独自在家喝烧酒… 已戒掉的烟 再拿出来抽…再次戒烟…再一次抽…再一次的戒烟… 人逐渐成熟…并不代表一定很好 展望未来的眼,常常锁住于记忆里… 我曾经随身携带的笔记本电脑里,有我写的书.. 书的名字叫Selectic 和他的朋友Cation ?????????????????????? 把小时候写的话跟我的想法,融入到了那本书里 虽然因为一场事故全飞走了…?? 因为太喜欢写东西,现在还有梦想 说起我的梦想…有点羞涩且还有点好笑 现在 这篇文已经写了3个小时..? 听听这歌听听那歌…一会儿看看外面,一会儿看看希范… 现在正听着崔在勋的无法忘记的你.. 还买了这次的专辑…非常哀愁的歌… 别离,再见,送你走后,最后的雨,悲伤的命运等等…?_? FTlsland的请不要爱这首歌放出来了..现在?? 一见到宏基就会整天要他唱…唱给我听?? 麻烦的事,伤心的事,心痛的事,郁闷的事,受过伤害的事.. 虽然是很容易受伤的人生…不过还是希望微笑着 ^-^ 最后的一曲…是不是我们大家都在患的痛呢… 李胜焕的心脏病………^-^ 365日没几天是善良的希大人的善良的一天!!

5,求一篇介绍金希澈的英语文章 150字左右

Heechul, Korean pop group Super Junior member, as well as actor. In 2002 to participate in Starlight Casting System Casting debut.
Super Junior Kim Heechul.A man from the outspace.He is more beautiful than many girls, so he always be regarded as a gil.But he says:"It`s not my falt!My mother did it."Heechul have many fans,Heechul call them UNDEAD,and they call Heecchul Heenim.They love his handsom face,his beautiful voice,his talent of talking,and his goodness. Heenim have a beautiful heart more than his face.Such as take good care of his Chimese memeber,cry for a bilnd girl and a baby who was throwed by his parents. KimHeechul,a man who worth to love.乱写的 实际上俺们英语很烂 觉得有趣就写了= = 要翻译 昨天忘记了= =Super Junior金希澈,一个外太空来的人= =他比许多女孩子都漂亮,所以经常被人当做女孩子,但是他说:“这不是我的错,我妈把我生的这样帅!”(这句话乱翻的)希澈有很多的粉丝,他叫她们UNDEAD(不死族),她们则叫他 希大人。她们喜欢他美丽的容颜,动听的歌声(?)说话时的才华(也就是毒舌= =),还有,他的善良。他会照顾好他的中国成员,也会为了一个盲童和被父母丢弃的小婴儿哭泣。金希澈,一个值得去爱的人。
Super Junior Kim Heechul.A man from the outspace.He is more beautiful than many girls, so he always be regarded as a gil.But he says:"It`s not my falt!My mother did it."Heechul have many fans,Heechul call them UNDEAD,and they call Heecchul Heenim.They love his handsom face,his beautiful voice,his talent of talking,and his goodness. Heenim have a beautiful heart more than his face.Such as take good care of his Chimese memeber,cry for a bilnd girl and a baby who was throwed by his parents. KimHeechul,a man who worth to love.乱写的 实际上俺们英语很烂 觉得有趣就写了= = 要翻译 昨天忘记了= =Super Junior金希澈,一个外太空来的人= =他比许多女孩子都漂亮,所以经常被人当做女孩子,但是他说:“这不是我的错,我妈把我生的这样帅!”(这句话乱翻的)希澈有很多的粉丝,他叫她们UNDEAD(不死族),她们则叫他 希大人。她们喜欢他美丽的容颜,动听的歌声(?)说话时的才华(也就是毒舌= =),还有,他的善良。他会照顾好他的中国成员,也会为了一个盲童和被父母丢弃的小婴儿哭泣。金希澈,一个值得去爱的人。
违背公司的安排偷偷赶去参加东海父亲的葬礼在疲累的归途中遭遇车祸的金希澈 车祸后为了防止昏迷,差点把舌头咬断,满脸是血还对着那些无情的镜头睁大眼微笑的金希澈因为允浩被投毒事件生气的在CY上说我要杀了你的金希澈对ANTI说我怎么样都没有关系,但如果伤害到我的家人和朋友我绝对不会放过你们的金希澈 表面看上去会让人觉得有些冷漠有些难以接近,熟悉的人却都会觉得非常温暖争着宠爱的金希澈。一直在背后默默帮助韩庚,让自己的花瓣也要爱韩庚的金希澈感情丰富怀念过去,总是没心没肺的抽风其实把所有人的好都记在心里的金希澈 任性天真,想法过于单纯,人缘真的很好的金希澈。对原则过分看重对艺人生活十分无奈,累了就说以后我还是回江原道种地好了;真的太辛苦了,想过安静的生活;说太多话真得很累的金希澈。 遇见你的笑容,花瓣都会想要绽放的金希澈金希澈,即使解救不了自己作茧自缚,也绝对要求将身边所有的人护在身后。He is the one who dare to against the companys arrangement to take part in Donghaes fathers funeral but caught a traffic accident on his exhausted way back.He is the one who almost snapped his tongue nevus just in case of the coma after the traffic accident. He is the one who kept smiling to the heartless lens even when he had blood all around his face. He is the one who said I will kill you on his CY to the antis, when one of his best friends, U-know from TVXQ was poisoned seriously by them.He is the one who said However ill you are to me, its ok, but Ill never forgive if you hurt any of my friends to the people dislike him.He is the one who appears to be indifference but actually very considerate.He is the one who always heips Hangeng silently and asks his fans to support and love Hangeng as well.He is the one who is emotional, elvish and appreciative as well.He is the one with a little capricious, innocent and always loved by all the people around him.He is the one who pays too much attention on the principles and cannot heip to the entertainers life saying that he would rather go back to be a farmer. He is the one with too much pressureHe is the one being eager to have a quiet life.He is the one being tired of saying too much.He is the one when he smiles flowers will bloom as well.He is the one even in his hardest time, what he concerned is to protect others.
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