B/L Bundles 翻译为:提单捆绑B/L : [医] 提单,货运单; bundles : n. 捆( bundle的名词复数 ); 一批(同类事物或出售的货品); 一大笔钱; 风趣的人; [其他] 原型: bundles-b/l seaway bill of lading 电放提单的一种格式, 起运港不用付运费, 目的港拿到seaway bill便可以提货,适用于发货人与收货人相互信誉度很高,而且着急提货的,还适用于国际货代跟货代之间
bundle的意思是一捆1、作名词的意思是:(一)捆,包,扎;一批(同类事物或出售的货品);风趣的人;笑料;2、作动词的意思是:匆匆送走;推搡;赶;(成群地)匆忙赶往;额外免费提供(设备等);(尤指出售计算机时)赠送(软件)。I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around 我记得米基是个很有趣的人,和他在一起非常愉快。扩展资料:bundle的用法:1、bundle sth up;bundle sth together捆扎;把…打包 He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子。2、bundle sb up (in sth) 使穿暖和(或盖被子等) to put warm clothes or coverings on sbbundle 英 [?b?ndl] 美 [?b?ndl]n. (一)捆,包,扎;一批(同类事物或出售的货品);风趣的人;笑料 v. 匆匆送走;推搡;赶;(成群地)匆忙赶往;额外免费提供(设备等);(尤指出售计算机时)赠送(软件)双语例句例1:I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around 译文:我记得米基是个很有趣的人,和他在一起非常愉快。 例2:The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training. 译文:这份职业提供了大量福利,全面训练就是其中很重要的一项。扩展资料:bundle格式的文件是Unix/linux系统中的一种可执行文件。用户可以在终端中使用./***(文件名).bundle命令使其运行。1.运行命令: sudo chmod +x ****.bundle2.作 用 :Android的Activity之间传递数据,必要时需要使用sudo执行以提供超级用户权限,并且需要提供管理员密码。用于Android的Activity之间传递数据的类。3.运行命令:第一步:sudo chmod +x ****.bundle;第二步:sudo ./****.bundle参考资料来源:搜狗百科-bundle
文档不是说了吗?要“读”,别光“看”啊Most bundles are also packages. For example, applications and plug-ins are typically presented as a single file by the Finder. However, this is not true for all bundle types. In particular, a framework is a type of bundle that is treated as a single unit for the purposes of linking and runtime usage, but framework directories are transparent so that developers can view the header files and other resources they contain.bundle和package经常混合使用。但是bundle和package并不是等同的,有些bundle是package,你可以打开这个目录,修改、添加文件,而有些bundle不应该被视为package,比如framework,因为它不应该可以修改。文档不是说了吗?要“读”,别光“看”啊Most bundles are also packages. For example, applications and plug-ins are typically presented as a single file by the Finder. However, this is not true for all bundle types. In particular, a framework is a type of bundle that is treated as a single unit for the purposes of linking and runtime usage, but framework directories are transparent so that developers can view the header files and other resources they contain.bundle和package经常混合使用。但是bundle和package并不是等同的,有些bundle是package,你可以打开这个目录,修改、添加文件,而有些bundle不应该被视为package,比如framework,因为它不应该可以修改。