【Time Traveler】意思是【时光旅人】。双语例句:1. Please come to me if alien , time traveler , another world person, ESP. 你们中如果有宇宙人, 未来人, 异世界人, 超能力者的话,就来找我吧,以上。2. There is no such thing as time traveler. 这世上才没什么时间旅行者呢。3. As night falls, the Time Traveler is dismayed when he discovers that hismachine has disappeared. 天黑了下来,时间旅行家却惊愕地发现他的机器不见了。4. He is a traveler in time and , for the best, the hunted traveler, pursued bysouls. 他是时间的过客, 那些最好的演员则是灵魂不断追捧的过客。5. After a long long time passed since this land died, there was a traveler. 当这片死亡的土地过很长很长的时间后,有个旅行者来了。