chessboardn.棋盘;国际象棋棋盘;西洋跳棋棋盘[例句]They got out the chessboard and arranged the pieces. 他们拿出棋盘把棋子摆好。它的意思是:棋盘希望我的回答对你有帮助!
布: 分布 ◎ 星罗棋布 xīngluó-qíbù [spread all over the place be dotted like stars in the sky and scattered like the pieces on a chessboard] 像群星罗列,像棋子分布。形容数量多而广 群圉牧监,星罗棋布。——明· 陈琏《皆山轩赋》
像星星似的罗列,像棋子一样排列,形容事物多~~~to be scattered all over like stars in the sky or men on a chessboard星罗棋布”的意思 是像星星似的罗列,像棋子一样排列您好,意思是象星星一其罗列,象棋子(围棋子)一样分布。意指很多。您的采纳是我们的动力。
5,chessboard squares是什么意思
chessboard squares棋盘格例:When jackets appeared they were in leather with a tweed trim and matching waistcoats, or they were abbreviated to little bomber styles in big chessboard squares.当夹克出现他们与斜纹装饰和匹配的马甲,皮革,或他们被缩写为小炸弹风格的大棋盘格。你好!棋盘格如有疑问,请追问。