回答和翻译如下:权力的游戏北境之王在原著中。The game of power, king of the north, is in the original.the King of the north老大叫夜王,有把死人和活人变成异鬼的能力,在第六季中有说到,夜王他自己也是被森林之子们转化的。
权力的游戏第三季英文翻译The third season of the game of power
Although, the Olympic game have already left us far go to, the Olympics spirit will stay in our in the mind forever.though,the Olympics is far away form us,but ,the Olypics mind will in our heart
权利游戏中英文对照英文翻译English control in the game of rights
9,权力的游戏原版 谢谢
楼主你好,您说的这个我也在看,现在分享给你!!链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXZmDkg 密码: t1f9上面链接失效的话,请看下面的备用,我会补上的!!链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7W8Wem 密码: n9zs希望我的回答能让你满意,可以的话请采纳点赞,谢谢哒。。。《权力的游戏》(又译《冰与火之歌》)由美小说家乔治·r·r·马丁 ( george r.r. martin )所著,是当代奇幻文学一部影响深远的里程碑式的作品。
10,A game of thrones翻译
权力的游戏,也叫冰与火之歌,很经典的一部小说在朋友的热情推荐下,花了三个晚上看完了第一季同名电视剧,非常喜欢。之后觉得不过瘾,又回过头花了将近一个礼拜的时间看了这本书,后来听朋友说第二部的小说已经出......Story background is a fictional world, mainly divides into two continents, is located in the west country "sunset" Westeros (Westeros), the area is approximately equal to South America; Located in the east is a area, shape, similar to the Eurasian land. The thread of the story occurs in westeros. From the king Robert baratheon went to visit his friends here: in the winter and the warden of the north to the duke Ed stark began, gradually shows this piece of the whole country. Pure king, uprightness of prime minister, the minister of the heterogeneous land self-respecting four governors, the country only by a thin string on the surface of the sustained peace, and when the string is broken, when the country back into endless conflict. And even more frightening, those ancient legends and has already been destroyed希望对你能有所帮助。
Story background is a fictional world, mainly divides into two continents, is located in the west country "sunset" Westeros (Westeros), the area is approximately equal to South America; Located in the east is a area, shape, similar to the Eurasian land. The thread of the story occurs in westeros. From the king Robert baratheon went to visit his friends here: in the winter and the warden of the north to the duke Ed stark began, gradually shows this piece of the whole country. Pure king, uprightness of prime minister, the minister of the heterogeneous land self-respecting four governors, the country only by a thin string on the surface of the sustained peace, and when the string is broken, when the country back into endless conflict. And even more frightening, those ancient legends and has already been destroyed楼上的一看就不是用软件的再看看别人怎么说的。The background of the story is a fictional world, mainly divided into two continents, is located in the west country "is" sunset Weiss Tero (Westeros), an area of about equal to South America; located in the East is a piece of area, shape approximation to Eurasia land. The main thread of the story occurs in Weiss Tero. From King Rob baratheon went to visit his friends here: the Lord of Winterfell and warden of the North Ed Stark started, and gradually show this piece of the whole country. The king, his prime minister, the chancellor of the exchequer huaiguitai, vassals Yongbing self-respect, the country only by a thin string that sustains the surface of the peace, and when the string broken, the country into the endless chaos again. But even those ancient legends and extinct biological horror,, are back to this land.