swaying while waiting in line在排队等候时摇摆双语对照例句:1.Americans spend roughly 37 billion hours each year waiting in line. 美国人每年花在排队上的时间大概有370亿小时。 2.Belief: you are chatting to a fellow games maker at the security line whilewaiting to access the venue. 宗教信仰:你和志愿者同伴守在安全线处,等待观众入场。.__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
3,slow dancing with the moon歌词中文翻译
4,slice five for fighting中文意思
。。。前面几人的回答你是想问five for fighting的《slice》的歌词的中文意思吧。说实话,好像还没人翻译,可以试试自己翻译看看。为了战斗分成5组五战片
Lavender swaying under a sky心雨artificial Since you do not believe that I was happy to use the Ho?
The aspic drags with the wind is unable to prevent grievedly since you did not believe I happily wanted what to use like this?
该肉冻拖累顺风不能防止grievedly ,因为你不相信,我高兴地想如何使用呢?
回答和翻译如下:树在风中摇摆,树叶在风中发出沙沙的声音就像某人在唱歌一样。Trees swaying in the wind, leaves rustling in the wind, just like someone singing.树在风中摇摆,树叶在风中发出沙沙的声音就像某人在唱歌一样The tree is swinging in the wind with leaves rustling like a man singing a song.你好!leaves rustling in the wind, just like someone singing。Trees swaying in the wind,树叶在风中发出沙沙的声音就像某人在唱歌一样回答和翻译如下:树在风中摇摆仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
【句子】The flowers are swaying in the breeze.【词组】The swaying flowers in the breeze【译注】sway是指慢慢的摆动,很符合这一慢镜头。(请参见《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中的解释:sway: to move slowly from side to side; to move something in this way.)《牛津》上还有一个与此句非常相似的例句:The branches were swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中摇曳。使用wave也可以,但swing意思就差的比较大了。(swing是"摇荡"的意思:to move backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make something do this.) breeze是微风,更细微。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》上的释义为:a light wind,也很符合这一场景。The wind spend swing北风
1. My mother said: "Typhoon Morak come true!" 2. The book shelves swaying, glass table, also kept the rock, really powerful typhoon ah! 1,Mam said:"The Typhoon Morakot is coming!"
2,The books on the shelf and the glass cups on the table are shaking,the Typhoon is really powerfull!1 Mother says: "typhoon Morak comes true!"
2 Books are swaying on the shelf and glass on the table also keeps moving. How powerful typhoon it is! 1My mother said: "Typhoon Morak come true!"
2. The book shelves swaying, glass table, also kept the rock, really powerful typhoon ah!Mother said that,“Not the Larke typhoon really came